What Is Another Way to Say “Two Sides of the Same Coin”?

Are you trying to find a suitable idiom to replace two sides of the same coin?

Perhaps you’re worried the phrase itself is a bit informal or incorrect.

Well, you’ve come to the right place to learn more.

This article will teach you another way to say two sides of the same coin to help keep your writing fresh.

6 Alternative Ways to Say “Two Sides of the Same Coin”

Feel free to review these alternatives to learn better ways to say two sides of the same coin:

  • Two peas in a pod
  • Two faces of the same issue
  • Different sides of the same spectrum
  • Two halves of a whole
  • Two wings on the same bird
  • Dual aspects of the same concept

1. Two Peas in a Pod

The first synonym we want to go through is two peas in a pod. As far as similar idioms go, this is one of the most common choices that native speakers and writers use.

Generally, two peas in a pod mean that two things are incredibly similar in almost every way. It usually refers to similarities in people rather than objects.

You can use this when comparing two employees to each other. It might be worth using something like this in an email to express how two people get on.

After all, if two employees are two peas in a pod, it suggests they’re really good together.

Therefore, it’s worth keeping those employees linked in similar projects to ensure they get the most out of them.

Feel free to review this email sample if you still need help with it:

Dear Ms. White,

I think Jon and Pam are two peas in a pod, and it’s not fair to split them up.

You’ll be very impressed by their achievements when you get the notes through.

Best wishes,
Sam Proctor

2. Two Faces of the Same Issue

Next, you can use two faces of the same issue. This synonym works well when explaining how closely linked two things are.

You might benefit from including this in an essay. Generally, it’s a good choice that lets readers know how similar you think two things are.

That way, you can help the reader to think more like you. So, it’s a great chance to keep them in the loop and let them know what you’re thinking as you continue to write your essay.

Also, you can check out these essay samples to learn a bit more:

I think these are two faces of the same issue. It seems likely that we won’t be able to solve one without the other.

It’s clear they’re two faces of the same issue. I have no idea what’s best to do before we move forward.

3. Different Sides of the Same Spectrum

Try using different sides of the same spectrum as another way to say two sides of the same coin.

This works well to show that two things seem different but are closely linked.

After all, spectrums tend to be quite large. One end will vary drastically from another, but it’s still true that everything is part of the same spectrum and group (thus making them more similar).

So, you can use this when writing a review. It suggests that you’ve been analytical and compared two things, only to determine there are more similarities than differences.

Feel free to review these examples if you need more help with it:

After careful consideration, it’s clear that these are different sides of the same spectrum. Therefore, I can’t fault either one.

Both movies are on different sides of the same spectrum. They have very similar themes despite having vastly different narratives.

4. Two Halves of a Whole

You can keep things a bit more professional by saying two halves of a whole. This works quite well when writing an email about two objects that seem really similar.

After all, if two halves make a whole, it confirms that they’re meant to be together. Therefore, a phrase like this is a good way to be informative and direct when writing to someone who needs an explanation.

Try using it when talking to an employee. It might help to explain a situation more clearly to them and let them know how two things work together.

Also, you can review this email sample to learn a bit more:

Dear Adam,

I’ve noticed that these things are two halves of a whole.

Therefore, I want you to treat them as such and see what you can make of it.

Best wishes,
Dean Jeffries

5. Two Wings on the Same Bird

Next, you can use two wings on the same bird as a synonym for two sides of the same coin.

The implication is that a bird has two wings on opposite sides of its body. Of course, it requires both wings to fly, thus resulting in both wings being the same and performing the same function.

In practice, this idiom means that two things are almost identical in use. We recommend using it when describing the efficiency between two objects.

It’s an effective choice when writing a business plan. It’s a bit more informal because it’s idiomatic, but that works well when explaining similarities.

Feel free to review these examples to learn a bit more about it:

I have noted that these systems are two wings on the same bird. Therefore, we would benefit from both.

They are two wings on the same bird. You won’t be able to differentiate their functions very easily.

6. Dual Aspects of the Same Concept

You can also include dual aspects of the same concept as a synonym in your essay writing.

It’s a good choice because it’s idiomatic and expressive.

It’s an interesting way to let readers know that you’ve looked into something and found clear similarities when you thought there would be differences.

Readers will also be more interested to read a phrase like this. It’s unique, which goes a long way when helping your essays to stand out.

Finally, you can review these examples to learn more:

It’s clear that I’ve stumbled across dual aspects of the same concept. I’m trying to navigate this in a more succinct way.

Having dual aspects of the same concept to work with makes this harder but not impossible.

Is It Correct to Say “Two Sides of the Same Coin”?

Two sides of the same coin is correct to use when comparing two things that are closely related.

It’s an idiom and metaphor that refers to the heads of a coin. Yes, technically, heads and tails (the two faces of a coin) are opposite. However, they both still belong to the same coin.

Therefore, they’re more similar than you first think.

You can refer to this email sample to learn more about it:

Dear Brian,

I can see these things being two sides of the same coin.

Therefore, we must treat them as such and ensure we know what comes next.

All the best,
Michelle Reeves

Of course, it’s more common to include an idiom like this in messages or informal situations. So, it’s worth highlighting a text message situation, too.

Check out this message sample to learn a bit more about it:

I’ve noticed that these are two sides of the same coin. So, I don’t see why you’re so worried about the comparison.

It’s clear that two sides of the same coin is correct as an idiom. It’s acceptable, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only choice that works in your writing.

Have a look at our list of synonyms to learn another word for two sides of the same coin. We’ve touched on 6 of the best alternatives to show you what other options work well.

George O'Connor