What Is Another Way to Say “Tells Us”?

Looking for synonyms for tells us? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say tells us.

  • Informs us
  • Advises us
  • Indicates to us
  • Communicates to us
  • Reveals to us
  • Imparts to us
  • Conveys to us
  • Discloses to us
  • Relays to us
  • Notifies us
  • Reports to us
  • Signals to us
  • Suggests to us
  • Announces to us
  • Proclaims to us
  • Declares to us
  • Describes to us
  • Shares with us
  • Presents to us
  • Explains to us

Want to learn how to say tells us professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Informs us

Appropriate Use: To provide information or knowledge.
Example: “The manager regularly informs us of any changes in company policies.”

2. Advises us

Appropriate Use: To offer suggestions or recommendations.
Example: “The consultant advises us on the best strategies to improve our business processes.”

3. Indicates to us

Appropriate Use: To show, point out, or make clear.
Example: “The data indicates to us a significant trend in consumer behavior.”

4. Communicates to us

Appropriate Use: To share information, news, or ideas.
Example: “The team leader effectively communicates to us the goals for each project.”

5. Reveals to us

Appropriate Use: To make known something that was previously secret or unknown.
Example: “The research reveals to us new insights into market dynamics.”

6. Imparts to us

Appropriate Use: To make information known.
Example: “The training session imparts to us essential skills for our roles.”

7. Conveys to us

Appropriate Use: To communicate or express something, with or without using words.
Example: “The report conveys to us the urgent need for action on the issue.”

8. Discloses to us

Appropriate Use: To reveal or open up to view.
Example: “The financial report discloses to us the company’s profit margins.”

9. Relays to us

Appropriate Use: To pass on information.
Example: “The coordinator relays to us updates from the management team.”

10. Notifies us

Appropriate Use: To formally inform or tell.
Example: “HR notifies us of any updates to the employee handbook.”

11. Reports to us

Appropriate Use: To give a spoken or written account of something.
Example: “The analyst reports to us the findings from the market research.”

12. Signals to us

Appropriate Use: To be a sign or indication of something.
Example: “The increase in sales signals to us the success of our new marketing strategy.”

13. Suggests to us

Appropriate Use: To put forward for consideration.
Example: “The survey suggests to us areas where customer satisfaction can be improved.”

14. Announces to us

Appropriate Use: To make a formal public statement about a fact or occurrence.
Example: “The CEO announces to us the launch of the new product line.”

15. Proclaims to us

Appropriate Use: To announce something important or official.
Example: “The director proclaims to us the achievement of a major milestone.”

16. Declares to us

Appropriate Use: To make known formally or officially.
Example: “The committee declares to us the results of the election.”

17. Describes to us

Appropriate Use: To give an account in words.
Example: “The guide describes to us the history of each landmark during the tour.”

18. Shares with us

Appropriate Use: To tell someone about something.
Example: “The guest speaker shares with us his experiences in the industry.”

19. Presents to us

Appropriate Use: To bring something, especially formally or ceremonially.
Example: “The team presents to us a comprehensive plan for the next quarter.”

20. Explains to us

Appropriate Use: To make something clear or easy to understand.
Example: “The trainer explains to us the new software with detailed instructions.”

Linda Brown