What Is Another Way to Say “Small Group”?

Looking for synonyms for small group? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say small group.

  • Subgroup
  • Clique
  • Cohort
  • Faction
  • Team
  • Gathering
  • Squad
  • Assembly
  • Cluster
  • Troop
  • Band
  • Party
  • Crew
  • Unit
  • Ensemble

Want to learn how to say small group professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Subgroup

When to use: Suitable for a smaller group within a larger organization or category.
Example: “The marketing team formed a subgroup to focus on social media strategy.”

2. Clique

When to use: Used to describe a small group of people with shared interests or other commonalities, often exclusive.
Example: “The office clique tends to have lunch together every day.”

3. Cohort

When to use: Ideal for a group of people banded together or treated as a group, often in a learning or research setting.
Example: “This year’s cohort of the leadership program has shown exceptional progress.”

4. Faction

When to use: Suitable for a small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics.
Example: “A small faction within the company is lobbying for sustainability initiatives.”

5. Team

When to use: Appropriate for a group of people who work together, especially in sports or work.
Example: “Our project team consists of five members, each with a specific role.”

6. Gathering

When to use: Used for a group of people meeting together, typically for a specific purpose.
Example: “We’re having a small gathering of department heads to discuss the upcoming merger.”

7. Squad

When to use: Ideal for a small group of people involved in the same activity or job.
Example: “The IT support squad quickly resolved the network issue.”

8. Assembly

When to use: Suitable for a group of people gathered together for a common purpose, often formal.
Example: “An assembly of shareholders met to discuss the new policy changes.”

9. Cluster

When to use: Used to describe a group of similar things or people positioned closely together.
Example: “A cluster of experts was formed to tackle the complex problem.”

10. Troop

When to use: Appropriate for a group of people, especially soldiers or performers.
Example: “A troop of engineers was sent to assess the structural integrity of the building.”

11. Band

When to use: Suitable for a small group of people who work together, particularly in music or entertainment.
Example: “A small band of developers worked on the innovative software project.”

12. Party

When to use: Ideal for a group of people traveling or working together.
Example: “A research party was dispatched to gather field data.”

13. Crew

When to use: Used for a group of people who work closely together, often in manual labor or on a ship.
Example: “The construction crew completed the project ahead of schedule.”

14. Unit

When to use: Appropriate for a group regarded as a distinct entity within a larger group.
Example: “Our special operations unit is responsible for handling critical missions.”

15. Ensemble

When to use: Suitable for a group of performers or artists who perform together.
Example: “The jazz ensemble entertained guests at the corporate event.”

Linda Brown