What Is Another Way to Say “Simply Put”?

Looking for synonyms for simply put? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say simply put.

  • In essence
  • In summary
  • To put it plainly
  • In short
  • Basically
  • To simplify
  • In layman’s terms
  • To sum up
  • Plainly speaking
  • Put succinctly
  • In a nutshell
  • In simple terms
  • To boil it down
  • In plain English
  • Straightforwardly
  • Concisely
  • To put it bluntly
  • In brief
  • Fundamentally
  • At its core

Want to learn how to say simply put professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. In Essence

When to use: Ideal for distilling a complex idea to its most basic and fundamental components.
Example: “In essence, our strategy focuses on customer satisfaction to drive sales.”

2. In Summary

When to use: Suitable for concluding a detailed explanation or presentation with key points.
Example: “In summary, the report highlights the need for increased cybersecurity measures.”

3. To Put It Plainly

When to use: Used when simplifying a concept or opinion without using technical jargon.
Example: “To put it plainly, we need to reduce costs to improve our profit margin.”

4. In Short

When to use: Ideal for providing a brief version or conclusion of a longer explanation.
Example: “In short, the project was a success due to the team’s hard work and dedication.”

5. Basically

When to use: Suitable for introducing a simplified explanation of a complex topic.
Example: “Basically, our new software simplifies data analysis for businesses.”

6. To Simplify

When to use: Used for making a complicated subject easier to understand.
Example: “To simplify, blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult to change.”

7. In Layman’s Terms

When to use: Ideal for explaining technical or specialized information in an understandable way for non-experts.
Example: “In layman’s terms, net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers should treat all data equally.”

8. To Sum Up

When to use: Suitable for providing a concise summary after a detailed discussion.
Example: “To sum up, our marketing efforts resulted in a 25% increase in traffic.”

9. Plainly Speaking

When to use: Used when offering a straightforward explanation without embellishment.
Example: “Plainly speaking, the merger will result in significant cost savings for both companies.”

10. Put Succinctly

When to use: Ideal for expressing something clearly and in few words.
Example: “Put succinctly, time management is crucial for project success.”

11. In a Nutshell

When to use: Suitable for condensing a large amount of information into a few key points.
Example: “In a nutshell, diversifying our investments will reduce our financial risk.”

12. In Simple Terms

When to use: Used for making a statement or concept easy to understand.
Example: “In simple terms, machine learning allows computers to learn from and adapt to new data without being explicitly programmed.”

13. To Boil It Down

When to use: Ideal for reducing something to its most basic explanation.
Example: “To boil it down, effective leadership is about inspiring and motivating your team.”

14. In Plain English

When to use: Suitable for explaining something in clear, straightforward language without using technical terms.
Example: “In plain English, our return policy allows customers to return products within 30 days.”

15. Straightforwardly

When to use: Used when offering an uncomplicated and direct explanation.
Example: “Straightforwardly, our goal is to be the market leader in the next two years.”

16. Concisely

When to use: Ideal for expressing a complex idea briefly but comprehensively.
Example: “Concisely, our new policy aims to improve work-life balance for all employees.”

17. To Put It Bluntly

When to use: Suitable for a direct, unvarnished explanation, often used when addressing difficult or sensitive issues.
Example: “To put it bluntly, unless performance improves, the department faces potential cuts.”

18. In Brief

When to use: Used for a quick and short summary of detailed content.
Example: “In brief, we’re shifting our focus to more sustainable business practices.”

19. Fundamentally

When to use: Ideal for emphasizing the basic, underlying aspect of a more complex topic.
Example: “Fundamentally, this is an issue of ethics and corporate responsibility.”

20. At Its Core

When to use: Suitable for highlighting the most essential part or idea of something.
Example: “At its core, our company culture is about innovation and teamwork.”

Linda Brown