What Is Another Way to Say “Self-Sacrifice”?

Looking for synonyms for self-sacrifice? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say self-sacrifice.

  • Altruism
  • Selflessness
  • Self-denial
  • Self-abnegation
  • Self-renunciation
  • Unselfishness
  • Generosity
  • Martyrdom
  • Philanthropy
  • Benevolence
  • Magnanimity
  • Giving
  • Self-devotion
  • Dedication
  • Charitableness
  • Nobility
  • Heroism
  • Self-forgetfulness
  • Self-giving
  • Self-effacement

Want to learn how to say self-sacrifice professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Altruism

Appropriate Use: Putting the well-being of others before one’s own interests.
Example: “His altruism was evident when he volunteered to stay late to help his colleagues finish the project.”

2. Selflessness

Appropriate Use: Showing concern for others and placing their needs before one’s own.
Example: “She exhibited selflessness by donating her bonus to the employee emergency fund.”

3. Self-Denial

Appropriate Use: Forgoing one’s own needs or desires for the benefit of others.
Example: “Through self-denial, he saved enough money to invest in his team’s professional development.”

4. Self-Abnegation

Appropriate Use: Renouncing or rejecting one’s own interests for the sake of others.
Example: “Her self-abnegation is admirable, always prioritizing her clients’ needs.”

5. Self-Renunciation

Appropriate Use: Giving up one’s own interests or wishes to help others.
Example: “He practiced self-renunciation by giving up his office space for a more collaborative work area.”

6. Unselfishness

Appropriate Use: The quality of not putting oneself first but being willing to give time or resources to others.
Example: “His unselfishness in sharing credit has fostered a strong, collaborative team environment.”

7. Generosity

Appropriate Use: Willingness to give more of something than is strictly necessary or expected.
Example: “Her generosity in sharing knowledge has made her an invaluable mentor.”

8. Martyrdom

Appropriate Use: Extreme suffering or sacrifice for a cause or responsibility.
Example: “He often worked overtime without complaint, a true sign of professional martyrdom.”

9. Philanthropy

Appropriate Use: The desire to promote the welfare of others, often expressed by generous donations.
Example: “The CEO’s commitment to philanthropy is seen in his extensive charity work.”

10. Benevolence

Appropriate Use: The quality of being well-meaning and kind.
Example: “Her benevolence is evident in her approach to employee welfare.”

11. Magnanimity

Appropriate Use: The quality of being generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful.
Example: “His magnanimity in forgiving past workplace conflicts has helped rebuild team unity.”

12. Giving

Appropriate Use: Providing others with time, attention, or resources without expecting anything in return.
Example: “Her giving nature is reflected in how she mentors new employees.”

13. Self-Devotion

Appropriate Use: Dedication of oneself to an activity or cause.
Example: “His self-devotion to the company’s mission has inspired many.”

14. Dedication

Appropriate Use: The quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.
Example: “Her dedication often means putting the team’s needs ahead of her own.”

15. Charitableness

Appropriate Use: Generosity and helpfulness, especially toward those in need.
Example: “His charitableness during the fundraiser was deeply appreciated by the organization.”

16. Nobility

Appropriate Use: The quality of being noble in character, often associated with self-sacrificing acts.
Example: “His nobility is evident in his commitment to ethical business practices.”

17. Heroism

Appropriate Use: Great bravery, often involving personal sacrifice.
Example: “Her heroism in the face of corporate challenges has made her a role model.”

18. Self-Forgetfulness

Appropriate Use: The act of forgetting one’s own needs and desires while focusing on others.
Example: “In his self-forgetfulness, he often stayed late to help others without considering his own workload.”

19. Self-Giving

Appropriate Use: The act of giving oneself, one’s time, or resources for others.
Example: “Her self-giving approach has greatly contributed to the community’s development.”

20. Self-Effacement

Appropriate Use: The act of keeping oneself in the background, as a mark of humility.
Example: “Despite his achievements, he is known for his self-effacement and humility.”

Linda Brown