What Is Another Way to Say “Self-Defense”?

Looking for synonyms for self-defense? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say self-defense.

  • Personal defense
  • Self-protection
  • Self-preservation
  • Defensive action
  • Counterattack
  • Self-guard
  • Self-safeguarding
  • Self-security
  • Protective action
  • Self-help defense
  • Resistance
  • Self-care in defense
  • Countermeasures
  • Defensive measures
  • Personal safeguarding
  • Self-shielding
  • Counter-defense
  • Self-rescue
  • Protection of oneself
  • Defensive response

Want to learn how to say self-defense professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Personal Defense

Used to refer to actions taken by an individual to protect themselves from harm.

Example: “The company offered personal defense training to its employees for emergency situations.”

2. Self-Protection

Refers to measures or actions taken to guard oneself against injury or harm.

Example: “In the self-protection seminar, they learned techniques to stay safe in risky situations.”

3. Self-Preservation

Emphasizes actions aimed at preserving one’s own health and wellbeing.

Example: “Her instincts of self-preservation kicked in during the earthquake, guiding her to safety.”

4. Defensive Action

Refers to actions taken to defend oneself from attack or harm.

Example: “The bodyguard took immediate defensive action when the threat became apparent.”

5. Counterattack

Used to describe a retaliatory action in response to an attack.

Example: “In the martial arts class, they were taught how to effectively counterattack if attacked.”

6. Self-Guard

Refers to the act of guarding oneself against danger or harm.

Example: “While traveling in unfamiliar areas, he always practiced self-guard by staying alert.”

7. Self-Safeguarding

Emphasizes proactive measures for ensuring one’s own safety.

Example: “The workshop on self-safeguarding was focused on digital security for individuals.”

8. Self-Security

Refers to one’s personal measures to ensure their own safety and security.

Example: “After the incident, she took extra steps for her self-security, including installing a home alarm system.”

9. Protective Action

Used when referring to actions taken to protect oneself from danger.

Example: “Protective action is necessary when encountering wildlife in national parks.”

10. Self-Help Defense

Refers to defense techniques or actions that one can perform without assistance.

Example: “The self-help defense class taught basic skills for evading and escaping an attacker.”

11. Resistance

Used in the context of resisting or opposing an attack or threat.

Example: “His resistance during the robbery helped prevent further loss.”

12. Self-Care in Defense

Refers to the aspect of taking care of oneself in a defensive context.

Example: “The seminar emphasized self-care in defense, highlighting mental resilience in stressful situations.”

13. Countermeasures

Refers to measures or actions taken in response to a threat or attack.

Example: “The security team implemented countermeasures against potential cyber attacks.”

14. Defensive Measures

Similar to defensive action, focusing on prepared actions to defend oneself.

Example: “The embassy had several defensive measures in place for emergency evacuations.”

15. Personal Safeguarding

Refers to the act of keeping oneself safe from harm.

Example: “Personal safeguarding techniques were part of the training for overseas journalists.”

16. Self-Shielding

Used to describe actions taken to shield oneself from harm or danger.

Example: “In the event of a natural disaster, self-shielding is a critical skill to have.”

17. Counter-Defense

Refers to a defense strategy that involves responding to or countering an attack.

Example: “The military training included counter-defense tactics in combat scenarios.”

18. Self-Rescue

Emphasizes the aspect of rescuing oneself from a dangerous situation.

Example: “The wilderness survival course taught self-rescue techniques in case of getting lost.”

19. Protection of Oneself

Refers broadly to any action or measure taken for one’s own protection.

Example: “The primary rule in field operations is the protection of oneself and teammates.”

20. Defensive Response

Used to describe a reaction aimed at defending oneself from a threat.

Example: “Her defensive response to the unexpected confrontation likely prevented further escalation.”

Linda Brown