What Is Another Way to Say “Self-Absorbed”?

Looking for synonyms for self-absorbed? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say self-absorbed.

  • Narcissistic
  • Egocentric
  • Self-centered
  • Self-obsessed
  • Egotistical
  • Self-involved
  • Self-interested
  • Inward-looking
  • Self-serving
  • Conceited
  • Vain
  • Selfish
  • Preoccupied with oneself
  • Egocentric
  • Solipsistic

Want to learn how to say self-absorbed professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Narcissistic

Appropriate Use: Suitable for describing someone with an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.
Example: His narcissistic tendencies make it difficult for him to appreciate his team’s contributions.

2. Egocentric

Appropriate Use: Ideal for someone who thinks only of themselves without regard for others.
Example: The manager’s egocentric approach often overlooks the needs of his staff.

3. Self-centered

Appropriate Use: Used for individuals who are preoccupied with their own affairs.
Example: The self-centered executive rarely acknowledged the efforts of her assistants.

4. Self-obsessed

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for someone who is excessively focused on themselves.
Example: His self-obsessed attitude in meetings often leads to disregarding others’ ideas.

5. Egotistical

Appropriate Use: Suitable for describing excessive self-importance or arrogance.
Example: The director’s egotistical nature often led to conflicts within the team.

6. Self-involved

Appropriate Use: Used for someone who is overly concerned with their own desires or interests.
Example: The self-involved manager failed to see the impact of his decisions on his employees.

7. Self-interested

Appropriate Use: Ideal for someone primarily concerned with their own personal profit or pleasure.
Example: In negotiations, her self-interested strategy often overlooked long-term relationships.

8. Inward-looking

Appropriate Use: Suitable for describing a tendency to focus on oneself and not on the external world.
Example: The company’s inward-looking culture hindered its ability to adapt to market changes.

9. Self-serving

Appropriate Use: Used for actions that serve one’s own interests often at the expense of others.
Example: The CEO’s self-serving decisions were at odds with the ethos of the company.

10. Conceited

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for someone who has an excessively favorable opinion of their own abilities or appearance.
Example: His conceited attitude made it difficult for colleagues to work collaboratively with him.

11. Vain

Appropriate Use: Suitable for someone with excessive pride in or admiration of their own appearance or achievements.
Example: The vain manager spent more time on his image than on his team’s development.

12. Selfish

Appropriate Use: Ideal for describing someone who lacks consideration for others.
Example: Her selfish approach to leadership resulted in a high turnover rate.

13. Preoccupied with Oneself

Appropriate Use: Used for someone who is excessively concerned with their own life and interests.
Example: Being preoccupied with oneself, he often failed to recognize his team’s challenges.

14. Egocentric

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for someone who is self-centered and lacks empathy.
Example: The egocentric CEO rarely considered the community impact of his business decisions.

15. Solipsistic

Appropriate Use: Suitable for describing a quality where one’s own self is the only thing known to exist.
Example: His solipsistic view made it hard for him to appreciate diverse perspectives in his field.

Linda Brown