Looking for synonyms for second nature? We’ve got you covered!
Here’s a list of other ways to say second nature.
- Instinct
- Reflex
- Habit
- Ingrained
- Automatic
- Innate
- Intuitive
- Natural
- Unconscious
- Inherent
- Spontaneous
- Impulsive
- Subconscious
- Accustomed
- Deep-rooted
Want to learn how to say second nature professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.
1. Instinct
Appropriate Use: An innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior in response to certain stimuli.
Example: “For a seasoned negotiator, reading people’s body language becomes an instinct.”
2. Reflex
Appropriate Use: An automatic response to a specific stimulus, without conscious thought.
Example: “Answering customer queries promptly is almost a reflex for the support team.”
3. Habit
Appropriate Use: A regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
Example: “Regularly updating the project dashboard has become a habit for the team.”
4. Ingrained
Appropriate Use: Firmly fixed or established; difficult to change.
Example: “Attention to detail is so ingrained in our company culture that it comes naturally to every employee.”
5. Automatic
Appropriate Use: Acting or done spontaneously or unconsciously.
Example: “Documenting every step of the process has become automatic for the quality assurance team.”
6. Innate
Appropriate Use: Inborn; natural.
Example: “Her innate ability to lead and inspire her team is evident in her managerial style.”
7. Intuitive
Appropriate Use: Using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning.
Example: “Designing user-friendly interfaces is an intuitive process for our experienced UX designers.”
8. Natural
Appropriate Use: A skill or quality that a person was born with or feels easy and normal for them.
Example: “For him, solving complex mathematical problems is as natural as breathing.”
9. Unconscious
Appropriate Use: Not consciously realized, planned, or done; without conscious volition or intent.
Example: “Her ability to motivate her team is an unconscious yet powerful asset.”
10. Inherent
Appropriate Use: Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
Example: “An inherent sense of market trends is crucial for a successful sales strategy.”
11. Spontaneous
Appropriate Use: Performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and without premeditation.
Example: “His response to the crisis was spontaneous and remarkably effective.”
12. Impulsive
Appropriate Use: Acting or done without forethought.
Example: “Their team’s impulsive creativity often leads to innovative solutions.”
13. Subconscious
Appropriate Use: Concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but influences actions and feelings.
Example: “Her decision-making is guided by a subconscious understanding of team dynamics.”
14. Accustomed
Appropriate Use: Customary; usual.
Example: “Presenting to large audiences is an accustomed part of his job.”
15. Deep-rooted
Appropriate Use: Firmly implanted or established.
Example: “A deep-rooted commitment to customer satisfaction drives the company’s success.”