What Is Another Way to Say “Same As”?

Looking for synonyms for same as? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say same as.

  • Identical to
  • Equivalent to
  • Akin to
  • Comparable to
  • Analogous to
  • Similar to
  • Like
  • Equal to
  • On par with
  • Matching
  • Synonymous with
  • Corresponding to
  • In line with
  • Consistent with
  • Homologous to

Want to learn how to say same as professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Identical to

Used when two or more items are exactly the same in every detail.

  • Example: The replacement part was identical to the original, fitting perfectly without any adjustments needed.

2. Equivalent to

Refers to items that are different in form but equal in value or function.

  • Example: The certification is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in the field, qualifying you for the position.

3. Akin to

Describes something that is similar in character or function.

  • Example: The challenges faced by the startup are akin to those encountered by many entrepreneurs.

4. Comparable to

Indicates that two or more items can be compared because they are similar in some respects, though not identical.

  • Example: The performance of the new model is comparable to that of the industry leader.

5. Analogous to

Used when two items are comparable in certain respects, typically in a way that makes clearer the nature of the items compared.

  • Example: The structure of a corporation is often analogous to that of a large ship, with the CEO at the helm.

6. Similar to

Describes when items share characteristics but are not identical.

  • Example: The software’s user interface is similar to the one most users are already familiar with, making it easy to adopt.

7. Like

A simple way to say that two things are similar.

  • Example: The climate in the region is like that of the Mediterranean, featuring hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters.

8. Equal to

Indicates that two or more items are the same in quantity, size, degree, or value.

  • Example: The responsibilities of the role are equal to those of a manager, including oversight of the entire department.

9. On par with

Means being at the same level or standard.

  • Example: The quality of the product is on par with more expensive brands, making it a popular choice among consumers.

10. Matching

Refers to items that are exactly alike or very similar.

  • Example: She bought a purse with a matching wallet for a coordinated look.

11. Synonymous with

Used when one term or item can be used interchangeably with another to mean the same thing.

  • Example: His name has become synonymous with quality in the industry.

12. Corresponding to

Refers to items that are similar or equivalent in some way.

  • Example: The increase in sales is corresponding to the recent marketing efforts.

13. In line with

Indicates that something is consistent with or similar to something else.

  • Example: The company’s growth strategy is in line with industry best practices.

14. Consistent with

Means that two or more facts, figures, or items do not contradict each other.

  • Example: The findings of the study are consistent with the initial hypothesis.

15. Homologous to

Used in scientific contexts to describe things that are similar in position, structure, or evolutionary origin.

  • Example: The bone structure of the bat’s wing is homologous to that of the human hand.

Linda Brown