What Is Another Way to Say “Ready to Go”?

Looking for synonyms for ready to go? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say ready to go.

  • Prepared
  • All set
  • Good to go
  • Primed
  • Set
  • Equipped
  • On standby
  • Geared up
  • At the ready
  • Poised
  • Prepped
  • Positioned
  • Mobilized
  • In position
  • Up and running

Want to learn how to say ready to go professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Prepared

Use “prepared” in contexts that require readiness for an event, activity, or task, emphasizing a state of readiness due to prior planning or organization.
Example: The team is prepared for the software launch after months of rigorous testing.

2. All Set

“All set” is suitable for informal situations where everything is in place and ready for an action or event to begin.
Example: We’re all set for the presentation, the projector and handouts are ready.

3. Good to Go

“Good to go” is an informal expression indicating that preparations are complete and the task or journey can commence.
Example: The system update has been installed and is now good to go.

4. Primed

Use “primed” in contexts where something or someone is made ready and optimally prepared for a specific purpose or action.
Example: The sales team is primed for the upcoming holiday season with special training on new products.

5. Set

“Set” implies readiness or completion of arrangements, often used in instructions or to confirm status.
Example: The meeting room is set for tomorrow’s workshop with all necessary equipment in place.

6. Equipped

Use “equipped” when the necessary tools, skills, or items have been provided to someone or something for a particular task.
Example: Our new office is fully equipped with the latest technology for efficient communication.

7. On Standby

“On standby” is appropriate for situations where individuals or resources are ready to be engaged or activated immediately as needed.
Example: Emergency response teams are on standby due to the severe weather forecast.

8. Geared Up

“Geared up” is often used in contexts where preparations involve excitement or enthusiasm for an upcoming event or challenge.
Example: The marketing team is geared up for the launch of the new advertising campaign.

9. At the Ready

“At the ready” indicates a state of being fully prepared to act immediately, often used in military or emergency services contexts.
Example: Support staff are at the ready 24/7 to assist with any technical issues that arise.

10. Poised

Use “poised” to describe a state of being ready and in a good position to do something, often implying readiness to take advantage of opportunities.
Example: With recent innovations, the company is poised to enter the Asian market.

11. Prepped

“Prepped” is a more casual term indicating that preparations have been made, suitable for both professional and personal contexts.
Example: We’ve prepped the client files for review in tomorrow’s audit meeting.

12. Positioned

Use “positioned” in strategic contexts where readiness is aligned with advantageous placement or preparation for a particular goal or action.
Example: The firm is well positioned to take advantage of the emerging market trends.

13. Mobilized

“Mobilized” is appropriate for situations where resources or individuals have been organized and made ready for action, particularly in response to specific demands or challenges.
Example: Resources have been mobilized to ensure the project meets its tight deadline.

14. In Position

“In position” indicates that something or someone has been placed or arranged in the correct location or stance, ready for action.
Example: The new machinery is in position and ready to start the production line.

15. Up and Running

“Up and running” is used to indicate that a system, process, or operation is functioning and ready to be used or continue without further setup.
Example: After the system upgrade, our online platform is up and running with improved features.

Linda Brown