What Is Another Way to Say “Push Yourself”?

Looking for synonyms for push yourself? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say push yourself.

  • Strive
  • Exert
  • Endeavor
  • Challenge yourself
  • Go the extra mile
  • Apply yourself
  • Stretch yourself
  • Give it your all
  • Go above and beyond
  • Surpass yourself
  • Test your limits
  • Break your boundaries
  • Outdo yourself
  • Elevate your efforts
  • Maximize your potential

Want to learn how to say push yourself professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Strive

Use “strive” when indicating a strong effort towards achieving a goal, often over a period of time. It suggests determination and ambition.
Example: In our pursuit of excellence, we must strive to innovate and improve our processes continuously.

2. Exert

“Exert” is appropriate when referring to the application of physical or mental effort. It implies putting in a significant amount of energy into an activity.
Example: The team needs to exert more effort in their research to uncover groundbreaking solutions.

3. Endeavor

Use “endeavor” in formal or serious contexts when referring to making a sincere effort to achieve something. It conveys a sense of purposeful effort.
Example: We endeavor to exceed our clients’ expectations by delivering exceptional service.

4. Challenge Yourself

“Challenge yourself” is suitable when encouraging someone (or oneself) to undertake tasks that are difficult but rewarding, to promote personal growth.
Example: To stay ahead in your career, regularly challenge yourself with new projects that require learning additional skills.

5. Go the Extra Mile

“Go the extra mile” is ideal in a professional context when someone does more than what is expected of them, often to achieve better results or customer satisfaction.
Example: Our team’s willingness to go the extra mile for our clients has significantly contributed to our high customer satisfaction ratings.

6. Apply Yourself

“Apply yourself” is used to urge someone to focus their abilities and efforts diligently towards a task or learning opportunity.
Example: If you apply yourself to the training, you’ll soon be proficient in the new software.

7. Stretch Yourself

Use “stretch yourself” when encouraging someone to extend beyond their comfort zone or current capabilities, often for personal development or to meet a challenging goal.
Example: Taking on this leadership role will stretch you, but it’s a great opportunity for career advancement.

8. Give it Your All

“Give it your all” is suitable for situations requiring full effort, dedication, or commitment to a task or goal.
Example: This project is critical for our department, so it’s important that everyone gives it their all.

9. Go Above and Beyond

“Go above and beyond” is used when someone exceeds the basic requirements of a task or duty, often leading to exceptional outcomes.
Example: Her willingness to go above and beyond in her research has led to innovative developments for our company.

10. Surpass Yourself

“Surpass yourself” is appropriate when someone exceeds their own previous achievements or expectations, showing significant improvement or success.
Example: This quarter’s results clearly show that you’ve surpassed yourself, setting a new sales record.

11. Test Your Limits

“Test your limits” is used when encouraging someone to discover the extent of their abilities or endurance, often in challenging situations.
Example: This high-stakes project will test your limits, but overcoming it will prove your capabilities.

12. Break Your Boundaries

“Break your boundaries” is suitable for encouraging someone to overcome perceived limitations or barriers in their professional or personal growth.
Example: Innovating in our field requires that we break our boundaries and think outside the box.

13. Outdo Yourself

“Outdo yourself” is used when someone has performed better than in the past, often exceeding expectations.
Example: With the successful completion of this complex project, you’ve truly outdone yourself.

14. Elevate Your Efforts

“Elevate your efforts” is appropriate when encouraging an increase in the quality or intensity of one’s work or actions to achieve superior results.
Example: To lead in our industry, we must continually elevate our efforts in research and development.

15. Maximize Your Potential

“Maximize your potential” is used when encouraging someone to fully utilize their skills, abilities, and opportunities to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Example: By embracing continuous learning and seeking challenging opportunities, you can maximize your potential in your career.

Linda Brown