What Is Another Way to Say “Pursue a Career”?

Looking for synonyms for pursue a career? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say pursue a career.

  • Follow a career path
  • Embark on a career
  • Build a career
  • Forge a career
  • Establish a career
  • Seek a professional path
  • Engage in a career
  • Undertake a career
  • Develop a career
  • Cultivate a career
  • Chase a career
  • Aspire to a professional role
  • Carve out a career
  • Commit to a career
  • Pursue professional aspirations

Want to learn how to say pursue a career professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Follow a Career Path

When to use: Ideal for describing a structured and planned approach to a professional journey.
Example: “She decided to follow a career path in healthcare, focusing on pediatric nursing.”

2. Embark on a Career

When to use: Suitable for the beginning or early stages of a professional journey.
Example: “After graduating, he embarked on a career in digital marketing.”

3. Build a Career

When to use: Appropriate for gradually developing a profession over time through gaining experience and skills.
Example: “She’s been building a career in law, specializing in corporate litigation.”

4. Forge a Career

When to use: Used when creating a career through hard work and determination, often in a new or unconventional field.
Example: “He forged a career in renewable energy, becoming a leading expert in the industry.”

5. Establish a Career

When to use: Suitable for creating a stable and recognized position in a particular profession.
Example: “Over the years, she has established a career as a respected financial analyst.”

6. Seek a Professional Path

When to use: Ideal for the process of exploring and deciding on a career direction.
Example: “Graduates often seek a professional path that aligns with their personal values and interests.”

7. Engage in a Career

When to use: Appropriate for actively participating or involving oneself in a professional field.
Example: “After his internship, he began to fully engage in a career in software development.”

8. Undertake a Career

When to use: Used when taking on a career, often implying effort and commitment.
Example: “She undertook a career in education, inspired by her desire to make a difference.”

9. Develop a Career

When to use: Suitable for the process of improving or expanding one’s professional life over time.
Example: “He is focused on developing a career in international relations.”

10. Cultivate a Career

When to use: Ideal for actively working to grow or advance a career, often through networking and skill development.
Example: “Networking events are great opportunities for those looking to cultivate a career in business.”

11. Chase a Career

When to use: Appropriate for vigorously pursuing a particular professional goal or aspiration.
Example: “She’s chasing a career in the competitive field of architectural design.”

12. Aspire to a Professional Role

When to use: Suitable for having ambitions or aims towards a specific career or position.
Example: “Many young engineers aspire to a professional role in leading tech companies.”

13. Carve Out a Career

When to use: Used when establishing a unique or individual career path, often through personal effort.
Example: “He carved out a career in journalism, focusing on environmental issues.”

14. Commit to a Career

When to use: Appropriate for dedicating oneself to a long-term professional journey.
Example: “After much consideration, she decided to commit to a career in social work.”

15. Pursue Professional Aspirations

When to use: Ideal for actively following and working towards one’s career goals and ambitions.
Example: “He continues to pursue professional aspirations in the field of scientific research.”

Linda Brown