What Is Another Way to Say “Public Opinion”?

Looking for synonyms for public opinion? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say public opinion.

  • Popular sentiment
  • Public sentiment
  • General consensus
  • Common view
  • Majority opinion
  • Public perception
  • Collective opinion
  • Mass opinion
  • Social opinion
  • General view
  • Popular belief
  • Common consensus
  • Public mindset
  • Societal opinion
  • Crowd opinion

Want to learn how to say public opinion professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

Refers to the feelings or attitudes held by the majority of people.

  • Example: The government’s decision to increase funding for public schools was in line with popular sentiment.

2. Public Sentiment

Describes the collective feelings or attitudes of the general public.

  • Example: Public sentiment on environmental issues has shifted significantly in recent years, with greater concern for climate change.

3. General Consensus

Indicates a broad agreement among the majority of people.

  • Example: There is a general consensus that health care reform is necessary.

4. Common View

Refers to a viewpoint shared by many people.

  • Example: The common view is that public transportation needs to be improved.

5. Majority Opinion

Describes the opinion held by the majority of a group or population.

  • Example: The survey revealed that the majority opinion supports the new tax law.

6. Public Perception

Refers to how the general public perceives or views a particular issue or topic.

  • Example: The company is working to change public perception of its environmental record.

7. Collective Opinion

Indicates the opinion formed by a group as a whole.

  • Example: The collective opinion of the focus group was that the product needed more features.

8. Mass Opinion

Refers to the opinion held by a large number of people.

  • Example: Mass opinion can greatly influence political outcomes.

9. Social Opinion

Describes the prevailing opinions within a society.

  • Example: Social opinion on same-sex marriage has evolved significantly over the past decade.

10. General View

Similar to common view, it refers to the viewpoint held by the general population.

  • Example: The general view is that education should be a top priority for the government.

Refers to what is widely believed by the public.

  • Example: It’s a popular belief that eating carrots improves your vision.

12. Common Consensus

Similar to general consensus, indicating widespread agreement on a particular matter.

  • Example: There is a common consensus that smoking should be banned in all public places.

13. Public Mindset

Describes the collective attitudes and beliefs of the public.

  • Example: Changing the public mindset about recycling is crucial for environmental sustainability.

14. Societal Opinion

Refers to the opinions held by society at large.

  • Example: Societal opinion on work-life balance is shifting towards valuing time off.

15. Crowd Opinion

Indicates the opinion of a large group of people, often gathered in a physical or virtual “crowd.”

  • Example: The crowd opinion at the rally was overwhelmingly in favor of the proposed policy change.

Linda Brown