What Is Another Way to Say “Pro Bono”?

Looking for synonyms for pro bono? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say pro bono.

  • For the public good
  • Voluntary
  • Gratuitous
  • Without charge
  • Free of charge
  • Complimentary
  • On the house
  • Charitable
  • Unpaid
  • Volunteer
  • No-cost
  • At no cost
  • Gratis
  • For free
  • Cost-free

Want to learn how to say pro bono professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. For the Public Good

Used to describe services provided without any payment, intended to benefit the community.

  • Example: The firm offers legal services for the public good to individuals who cannot afford representation.

2. Voluntary

Refers to work or services done by choice or without being forced, without expecting any payment.

  • Example: The organization relies on voluntary help from professionals to provide free counseling services.

3. Gratuitous

Describes something given without any return or payment expected.

  • Example: The consultant provided gratuitous advice to the startup to help it navigate early challenges.

4. Without Charge

Indicates that a service or product is provided free of any fees.

  • Example: The medical camp offered vaccinations without charge to the underprivileged community.

5. Free of Charge

Similar to without charge, emphasizing the absence of any payment required.

  • Example: The workshop on financial literacy is offered free of charge to all participants.

6. Complimentary

Used to describe services or goods provided for free, often as a courtesy.

  • Example: Guests at the hotel receive complimentary access to the fitness center.

7. On the House

An informal way to indicate that something is given for free by the establishment.

  • Example: To apologize for the delay, the dessert was on the house.

8. Charitable

Describes actions or services performed out of a desire to help those in need, without expecting payment.

  • Example: The lawyer’s charitable work includes offering pro bono services to refugees.

9. Unpaid

Refers to work or services performed without receiving any form of payment.

  • Example: She contributes unpaid hours to the nonprofit organization every week.

10. Volunteer

Used to describe work or services performed voluntarily, without payment.

  • Example: Many professionals provide volunteer services to gain experience in their field.

11. No-cost

Indicates that something is provided without any payment required.

  • Example: The clinic provides no-cost health screenings on the first Saturday of every month.

12. At No Cost

Similar to no-cost, emphasizing that the service or product is provided free.

  • Example: The software update is available to all users at no cost.

13. Gratis

A formal or legal term for services or goods provided without payment.

  • Example: Legal advice is offered gratis to low-income individuals at the community center.

14. For Free

An informal way to describe something provided without requiring payment.

  • Example: The app is available for free on various platforms.

15. Cost-Free

Emphasizes the absence of any cost to the recipient.

  • Example: The online course is cost-free, aiming to make education accessible to more people.

Linda Brown