What Is Another Way to Say “Preconceived Notions”?

Looking for synonyms for preconceived notions? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say preconceived notions.

  • Biases
  • Prejudices
  • Assumptions
  • Preconceptions
  • Stereotypes
  • Misconceptions
  • Prejudgments
  • Fixed ideas
  • Ingrained beliefs
  • Presumptions
  • Biased opinions
  • Predetermined ideas
  • Subjective views
  • Knee-jerk reactions
  • Foregone conclusions

Want to learn how to say preconceived notions professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Biases

Appropriate Use: Refers to an inclination or prejudice for or against something or someone.
Example: “We need to be aware of our own biases when conducting interviews to ensure fairness.”

2. Prejudices

Appropriate Use: A preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
Example: “It’s important to challenge our prejudices to create a more inclusive workplace.”

3. Assumptions

Appropriate Use: Something that is accepted as true without proof.
Example: “Our market strategy should not be based on assumptions about customer behavior without data.”

4. Preconceptions

Appropriate Use: An opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence.
Example: “We need to set aside our preconceptions and evaluate the proposal objectively.”

5. Stereotypes

Appropriate Use: A widely held but oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
Example: “In our recruitment process, we strive to avoid stereotypes to ensure diversity in hiring.”

6. Misconceptions

Appropriate Use: A view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding.
Example: “There are many misconceptions about remote work that we need to address.”

7. Prejudgments

Appropriate Use: Forming an opinion about something or someone before having sufficient information.
Example: “Prejudgments about the new policy should be avoided until we have all the details.”

8. Fixed ideas

Appropriate Use: An opinion or a belief that is firmly established and not subject to change.
Example: “Challenging our fixed ideas is essential for innovation and growth.”

9. Ingrained beliefs

Appropriate Use: Deeply held beliefs that are difficult to change.
Example: “This training program is designed to challenge ingrained beliefs and encourage open-mindedness.”

10. Presumptions

Appropriate Use: An idea that is taken to be true on the basis of probability.
Example: “Making business decisions based on presumptions without data can lead to poor outcomes.”

11. Biased opinions

Appropriate Use: Opinions influenced by personal feelings or inclinations rather than based on facts.
Example: “In our project reviews, it’s important to distinguish between objective assessments and biased opinions.”

12. Predetermined ideas

Appropriate Use: Ideas or opinions formed beforehand without an open evaluation.
Example: “We should approach the restructuring process without any predetermined ideas.”

13. Subjective views

Appropriate Use: Opinions based on personal feelings, tastes, or experiences.
Example: “While subjective views are valuable, we also need objective data to make informed decisions.”

14. Knee-jerk reactions

Appropriate Use: Automatic responses based on preconceived notions rather than thoughtful consideration.
Example: “We should avoid knee-jerk reactions to customer feedback and analyze it carefully.”

15. Foregone conclusions

Appropriate Use: An outcome that is regarded as inevitable or as having been decided in advance.
Example: “It’s crucial not to jump to foregone conclusions about the success of the new product before its launch.”

Linda Brown