What Is Another Way to Say “Plug-In”?

Looking for synonyms for plug-in? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say plug-in.

  • Add-on
  • Extension
  • Module
  • Component
  • Widget
  • Applet
  • Accessory
  • Feature
  • Supplement
  • Enhancement
  • Application
  • Software add-on
  • Tool
  • Utility
  • Add-in

Want to learn how to say plug-in professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Add-on

Appropriate Use: Suitable for any software that adds extra features to an existing application.
Example: “We installed an add-on in our browser to help manage passwords more effectively.”

2. Extension

Appropriate Use: Best for a piece of software that extends the capabilities of a browser or application.
Example: “The developer created a custom extension to enhance the functionality of the content management system.”

3. Module

Appropriate Use: Ideal for a self-contained unit that is part of a larger software structure.
Example: “The new accounting software includes a tax calculation module.”

4. Component

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a part or element of a larger software system.
Example: “This software’s user interface component can be customized to suit your preferences.”

5. Widget

Appropriate Use: Used for a small application or program that can be installed and executed within a web page.
Example: “We added a weather widget to our website to provide visitors with local forecasts.”

6. Applet

Appropriate Use: Best for a small application that performs one specific task within a larger program.
Example: “The Java applet on the webpage allows users to interact with the site’s graphics.”

7. Accessory

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a supplementary software component that adds to the capabilities of the main application.
Example: “The graphic design program offers several accessories for advanced image editing.”

8. Feature

Appropriate Use: Ideal for a distinctive attribute or aspect of a software program.
Example: “One key feature of this application is its ability to synchronize data across multiple devices.”

9. Supplement

Appropriate Use: Used for an addition to software that enhances its original functionality.
Example: “The software’s new supplement includes tools for project management.”

10. Enhancement

Appropriate Use: Suitable for an improvement or augmentation of software capabilities.
Example: “The latest enhancement to the software has significantly improved its performance.”

11. Application

Appropriate Use: Best for software that performs specific tasks or functions.
Example: “We developed a mobile application to track field employee activities.”

12. Software Add-on

Appropriate Use: Ideal for a software product that adds new features or functions to a host program.
Example: “The new software add-on integrates seamlessly with our existing email client.”

13. Tool

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a utility or application that performs a specific function, usually part of a larger system.
Example: “The digital marketing suite includes several tools for SEO and analytics.”

14. Utility

Appropriate Use: Used for software designed to perform a specific, useful task.
Example: “Our IT department developed a utility to automate the backup process.”

15. Add-in

Appropriate Use: Best for a supplementary software module that provides additional features to the main application.
Example: “The spreadsheet program offers various add-ins to enhance data analysis capabilities.”

Linda Brown