What Is Another Way to Say “Passion”?

Looking for synonyms for passion? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say passion.

  • Enthusiasm
  • Zeal
  • Ardor
  • Fervor
  • Love
  • Obsession
  • Devotion
  • Infatuation
  • Eagerness
  • Drive
  • Desire
  • Intensity
  • Commitment
  • Fascination
  • Zest
  • Vigor
  • Fire
  • Hunger
  • Craving
  • Fanaticism

Want to learn how to say passion professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Enthusiasm

Appropriate use: Denotes a lively interest or eagerness in a subject or activity.
Example: Her enthusiasm for the new project was contagious among her team members.

2. Zeal

Appropriate use: Implies fervent and active support or interest in something.
Example: He showed great zeal in advancing the company’s sustainability initiatives.

3. Ardor

Appropriate use: Suggests warm, intense, or eager feeling.
Example: She pursued her marketing campaign with unwavering ardor.

4. Fervor

Appropriate use: Refers to intense and passionate feeling.
Example: The CEO’s fervor for innovation inspired the entire corporation.

5. Love

Appropriate use: Indicates a deep affection or liking for a subject or activity.
Example: His love for data analysis was evident in his detailed reports.

6. Obsession

Appropriate use: Describes a state in which someone thinks about something constantly or frequently.
Example: Her obsession with quality control significantly improved the product’s standard.

7. Devotion

Appropriate use: Implies dedication and strong attachment.
Example: His devotion to customer satisfaction led to numerous service awards.

8. Infatuation

Appropriate use: Describes an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for something.
Example: The team’s infatuation with the new technology led to rapid implementation.

9. Eagerness

Appropriate use: Shows a keen and enthusiastic desire to do something.
Example: She demonstrated eagerness to learn and take on new challenges in her role.

10. Drive

Appropriate use: Refers to a strong motivation to achieve something.
Example: Her drive to excel made her a top performer in the sales department.

11. Desire

Appropriate use: Indicates a strong feeling of wanting to achieve or obtain something.
Example: The young entrepreneur’s desire to innovate set his startup apart.

12. Intensity

Appropriate use: Refers to the extreme degree of strength, force, energy, or feeling.
Example: The project manager’s intensity ensured the project’s completion on time.

13. Commitment

Appropriate use: Involves dedication and a pledge to do something.
Example: His commitment to ethical practices earned him great respect in the industry.

14. Fascination

Appropriate use: A powerful attraction or charm that captures the interest.
Example: She had a fascination with emerging markets, leading to extensive research in that area.

15. Zest

Appropriate use: Conveys great enthusiasm and energy.
Example: He tackled every task with zest, improving team morale.

16. Vigor

Appropriate use: Implies physical or mental strength, energy, or force.
Example: The new manager brought fresh vigor to the company’s strategic planning.

17. Fire

Appropriate use: Suggests a burning intensity or enthusiasm.
Example: Her fire for social media marketing resulted in a highly successful campaign.

18. Hunger

Appropriate use: Indicates a strong desire or craving.
Example: His hunger for success drove him to work tirelessly on his business.

19. Craving

Appropriate use: Describes a powerful desire for something.
Example: There was a noticeable craving in the team for innovative solutions.

20. Fanaticism

Appropriate use: Denotes excessive zeal or uncritical devotion.
Example: His fanaticism for perfection sometimes led to delays in project timelines.

Linda Brown