What Is Another Way to Say “Overcome Obstacles”?

Looking for synonyms for overcome obstacles? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say overcome obstacles.

  • Surmount challenges
  • Conquer difficulties
  • Navigate hurdles
  • Overpower barriers
  • Triumph over adversity
  • Defeat impediments
  • Break through barriers
  • Tackle obstacles
  • Overwhelm obstacles
  • Vanquish obstacles
  • Circumvent challenges
  • Overthrow hurdles
  • Leap over barriers
  • Prevail over difficulties
  • Push past obstacles

Want to learn how to say overcome obstacles professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Surmount Challenges

Used to describe successfully overcoming difficult situations.

  • Example: The team managed to surmount challenges posed by remote work, enhancing productivity through innovative solutions.

2. Conquer Difficulties

Indicates overcoming significant challenges or problems.

  • Example: Through determination and hard work, she was able to conquer difficulties in her path to become the company’s top salesperson.

Refers to skillfully dealing with obstacles or difficulties.

  • Example: The startup learned to navigate hurdles in the regulatory environment, securing its position in the market.

4. Overpower Barriers

Describes forcefully overcoming barriers or obstacles.

  • Example: With advanced technology and strategic partnerships, the firm overpowered barriers to entry in the highly competitive market.

5. Triumph Over Adversity

Used when achieving success despite facing significant hardships.

  • Example: The entrepreneur’s ability to triumph over adversity inspired a new generation of innovators.

6. Defeat Impediments

Refers to successfully overcoming specific obstacles or hindrances.

  • Example: The project team worked diligently to defeat impediments to the project’s timeline, ensuring timely delivery.

7. Break Through Barriers

Indicates overcoming obstacles, often in a dramatic or significant way.

  • Example: The breakthrough in research allowed the company to break through barriers that were previously considered insurmountable.

8. Tackle Obstacles

Describes confronting and dealing with obstacles directly.

  • Example: He tackled obstacles head-on, streamlining operations and reducing costs.

9. Overwhelm Obstacles

Used to describe overcoming obstacles by overpowering or overwhelming them.

  • Example: With a combination of innovation and perseverance, the team overwhelmed obstacles that many thought were impossible to overcome.

10. Vanquish Obstacles

Refers to defeating obstacles in a way that leaves no doubt.

  • Example: The new CEO’s strategic vision helped the company vanquish obstacles to its growth.

11. Circumvent Challenges

Describes finding ways around challenges without directly confronting them.

  • Example: By adopting flexible work policies, the company was able to circumvent challenges related to employee retention.

12. Overthrow Hurdles

Used in contexts where obstacles are completely removed or overcome.

  • Example: The legal team worked tirelessly to overthrow hurdles imposed by new regulations affecting the business.

13. Leap Over Barriers

Indicates overcoming barriers with ease or agility.

  • Example: With the launch of its innovative product line, the company leaped over barriers to entry and established itself as a market leader.

14. Prevail Over Difficulties

Describes emerging victorious in the face of difficulties.

  • Example: Despite initial setbacks, the development team prevailed over difficulties, delivering the software ahead of schedule.

15. Push Past Obstacles

Refers to moving forward despite facing obstacles.

  • Example: The community pushed past obstacles to fund and build the new park, transforming a once-neglected area into a vibrant public space.

Linda Brown