What Is Another Way to Say “Break Away”?

Looking for synonyms for break away? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say break away.

  • Sever
  • Split
  • Detach
  • Disengage
  • Divorce
  • Dissociate
  • Part
  • Disentangle
  • Separate
  • Decouple
  • Disjoin
  • Disconnect
  • Withdraw
  • Disassociate
  • Diverge
  • Depart
  • Unlink
  • Estrange
  • Disband
  • Secede

Want to learn how to say break away professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Sever

Used when making a clean and decisive break from something.
Example: “The company decided to sever ties with the supplier due to ethical concerns.”

2. Split

Appropriate for dividing into parts or groups, or leaving an organization.
Example: “The team decided to split into specialized groups to tackle different aspects of the project.”

3. Detach

Used when someone or something becomes separated from a group or object.
Example: “She decided to detach herself from day-to-day operations to focus on strategic planning.”

4. Disengage

Suitable for withdrawing from involvement or participation.
Example: “After the merger, the smaller division decided to disengage and operate independently.”

5. Divorce

Used when formally ending an association or relationship.
Example: “The company divorced its interests from the non-profitable subsidiary.”

6. Dissociate

Appropriate for separating or disassociating from a group or activity.
Example: “The corporation chose to dissociate from the controversial partnership.”

7. Part

Used when leaving or separating from a group or place.
Example: “He parted from the organization to pursue independent consulting.”

8. Disentangle

Suitable for freeing oneself from a complex situation or involvement.
Example: “The company needed to disentangle itself from the intricate web of international regulations.”

9. Separate

Used for dividing or differentiating between entities or groups.
Example: “The company decided to separate its core business from its emerging tech division.”

10. Decouple

Appropriate for detaching, disassociating, or severing a connection.
Example: “The business strategy was decoupled from short-term market fluctuations.”

11. Disjoin

Used when two or more entities are separated or disconnected.
Example: “To streamline operations, the company disjoined its ancillary services from its main business.”

12. Disconnect

Suitable for breaking a connection or relationship.
Example: “The remote teams felt a sense of disconnect from the company’s main office.”

13. Withdraw

Used for pulling out of involvement or participation in something.
Example: “After re-evaluating its priorities, the firm decided to withdraw from the joint venture.”

14. Disassociate

Appropriate for ending an association or relationship with a group or activity.
Example: “She disassociated herself from the project after realizing the ethical implications.”

15. Diverge

Used when taking a different path or direction from the original.
Example: “Their business model began to diverge from industry norms to adapt to new market realities.”

16. Depart

Suitable for leaving a place or deviating from a traditional method.
Example: “The new management departed from conventional practices to embrace innovative solutions.”

Used for removing a link or connection between two or more things.
Example: “The company unlinked its bonus scheme from individual performance metrics.”

18. Estrange

Appropriate for causing someone to feel distant or disconnected.
Example: “His management style estranged him from the rest of the team.”

19. Disband

Used for breaking up or dissolving a group or organization.
Example: “The task force disbanded after completing its objectives.”

20. Secede

Suitable for formally withdrawing from an organization or alliance.
Example: “The regional office decided to secede from the national organization to become autonomous.”

Linda Brown