What Is Another Way to Say “Not Aware”?

Looking for synonyms for not aware? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say not aware.

  • Unconscious
  • Oblivious
  • Uninformed
  • Ignorant
  • Unenlightened
  • Unmindful
  • Unwitting
  • Unknowing
  • Clueless
  • Unacquainted
  • Unaware
  • Naive
  • In the Dark
  • Insensible
  • Uninstructed

Want to learn how to say not aware professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Unconscious

Unconscious is used when someone is completely unaware and without conscious perception, often in a more literal or physical sense.

Example: “He was unconscious of the new policy changes implemented while he was on leave.”

2. Oblivious

Oblivious is appropriate for describing someone who is completely unaware of what is happening around them in a professional context.

Example: “She remained oblivious to the growing concerns among the staff about job security.”

3. Uninformed

Uninformed describes someone who lacks knowledge or information about a particular subject or situation in the workplace.

Example: “The manager was uninformed about the recent updates in the company’s software system.”

4. Ignorant

Ignorant is used to indicate a lack of knowledge, awareness, or education about something specific in a professional setting.

Example: “He was ignorant of the complex regulations governing international trade in his industry.”

5. Unenlightened

Unenlightened is suitable for someone who is not aware or informed about particular facts or information in a business context.

Example: “The team was unenlightened about the potential risks involved in the proposed investment.”

6. Unmindful

Unmindful describes a person who is not conscious or aware of something, often implying a lack of attention in a professional environment.

Example: “She was unmindful of the implications her decision had on the project timeline.”

7. Unwitting

Unwitting is used for someone who is unaware or ignorant of the full facts of a situation in a workplace.

Example: “He was an unwitting participant in the data breach, having left his computer unlocked.”

8. Unknowing

Unknowing indicates a lack of knowledge or awareness about something in a professional context.

Example: “The team was unknowing of the fact that their efforts were duplicating another department’s work.”

9. Clueless

Clueless is a more informal term used to describe a lack of understanding or awareness about something in a professional setting.

Example: “They were completely clueless about the new software, having missed the training session.”

10. Unacquainted

Unacquainted is appropriate for someone who is not familiar with or knowledgeable about something in a business environment.

Example: “New employees are often unacquainted with the company’s internal procedures.”

11. Unaware

Unaware is used to describe a state of having no knowledge or consciousness about something in a professional scenario.

Example: “The director was unaware of the ongoing issues within the team.”

12. Naive

Naive is suitable for someone who lacks experience, wisdom, or judgment in a particular professional context.

Example: “His naive approach to the negotiations underestimated the complexity of the deal.”

13. In the Dark

In the Dark is a colloquial expression used when someone is kept out of the loop or uninformed about something in the workplace.

Example: “Staff members were left in the dark about the impending company restructuring.”

14. Insensible

Insensible describes a state of being unaware or unconscious of something in a business setting.

Example: “She was insensible to the growing discontent among her team members.”

15. Uninstructed

Uninstructed is used to describe someone who has not been informed or taught about a specific topic or procedure in a professional environment.

Example: “The new operator was uninstructed about the emergency protocols in the factory.”

Linda Brown