What Is Another Way to Say “Multiple Times”?

Looking for synonyms for multiple times? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say multiple times.

  • Repeatedly
  • Frequently
  • Often
  • Many times
  • Several times
  • On numerous occasions
  • Time and again
  • Regularly
  • Continuously
  • Again and again
  • Over and over
  • Consistently
  • Habitually
  • Persistently
  • Recurrently
  • Incessantly
  • On multiple occasions
  • Customarily
  • Chronically
  • Unceasingly

Want to learn how to say multiple times professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Repeatedly

Appropriate Usage: Indicates something happening many times, often in a similar way.
Example: The software crashed repeatedly during testing, indicating a significant bug.

2. Frequently

Appropriate Usage: Suggests occurring at short intervals; often.
Example: The manager holds team meetings frequently to ensure project alignment.

3. Often

Appropriate Usage: Refers to something happening many times or on many occasions.
Example: The CEO often reminds us of the importance of customer satisfaction.

4. Many Times

Appropriate Usage: A straightforward expression for something happening on numerous occasions.
Example: The issue has been raised many times in staff meetings.

5. Several Times

Appropriate Usage: Indicates something happening on a number of occasions, but not excessively.
Example: The policy was revised several times to address emerging challenges.

6. On Numerous Occasions

Appropriate Usage: Suggests something happening frequently over a period.
Example: On numerous occasions, the team has demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills.

7. Time and Again

Appropriate Usage: Emphasizes something happening repeatedly over time.
Example: Time and again, the company has proven its commitment to innovation.

8. Regularly

Appropriate Usage: Refers to something done or happening at consistent intervals.
Example: The equipment requires maintenance checks to be performed regularly.

9. Continuously

Appropriate Usage: Indicates an ongoing or unbroken sequence of events.
Example: The system has been continuously monitoring for any unusual activity.

10. Again and Again

Appropriate Usage: Suggests repetition, often for emphasis.
Example: The software has been tested again and again to ensure reliability.

11. Over and Over

Appropriate Usage: Indicates repeating something numerous times.
Example: The process was practiced over and over until it was perfected.

12. Consistently

Appropriate Usage: Suggests a steady and uniform pattern of behavior or occurrences.
Example: The team has consistently met their targets multiple times this year.

13. Habitually

Appropriate Usage: Indicates a regular, almost unconscious pattern of behavior.
Example: The director habitually reviews all reports thoroughly before meetings.

14. Persistently

Appropriate Usage: Suggests continued or prolonged repetition.
Example: The issue has been persistently affecting the production line.

15. Recurrently

Appropriate Usage: Indicates something happening repeatedly, but with breaks or intervals between.
Example: The network faces recurrently high traffic during certain times of the day.

16. Incessantly

Appropriate Usage: Suggests something happening without interruption or cease.
Example: The server has been incessantly active due to the high demand for the service.

17. On Multiple Occasions

Appropriate Usage: Refers to something happening several times, but not necessarily regularly.
Example: The employee has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills on multiple occasions.

18. Customarily

Appropriate Usage: Indicates a customary or usual pattern of occurrence.
Example: The team customarily reviews all data multiple times before finalizing a report.

19. Chronically

Appropriate Usage: Suggests a long-term and persistent pattern.
Example: The software has been chronically problematic since its release.

20. Unceasingly

Appropriate Usage: Indicates continuous or unending repetition.
Example: The demand for the product has been unceasingly high since its launch.

Linda Brown