What Is Another Way to Say “Mentally Challenged”?

Looking for synonyms for mentally challenged? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say mentally challenged.

  • Intellectually disabled
  • Cognitively impaired
  • Developmentally delayed
  • Special needs
  • Learning disabled
  • Neurodivergent
  • Psychologically impaired
  • Cognitively challenged
  • Intellectually impaired
  • Mentally disabled
  • Developmentally disabled
  • Learning impaired
  • Neurologically impaired
  • Intellectually disadvantaged
  • Cognitive disability
  • Developmentally challenged
  • Neuro-atypical
  • Differently-abled
  • Psychosocially impaired
  • Neurologically diverse

Want to learn how to say mentally challenged professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Intellectually Disabled

Appropriate Usage: Refers to individuals with significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior.
Example: The school provides specialized programs for students who are intellectually disabled.

2. Cognitively Impaired

Appropriate Usage: Used for individuals with limitations in cognitive functioning, such as memory, problem-solving, and attention.
Example: Workplaces are increasingly accommodating employees who are cognitively impaired.

3. Developmentally Delayed

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for individuals whose development in certain areas is slower than typical.
Example: Early intervention programs are crucial for children who are developmentally delayed.

4. Special Needs

Appropriate Usage: A broad term for individuals who require specific educational or medical care due to various disabilities.
Example: The new policy mandates increased support for students with special needs.

5. Learning Disabled

Appropriate Usage: Refers to individuals who have difficulty in learning in a typical manner.
Example: Customized teaching strategies are effective for students who are learning disabled.

6. Neurodivergent

Appropriate Usage: Used for individuals with neurological differences, such as autism spectrum disorders and ADHD.
Example: The company’s diversity program includes hiring neurodivergent individuals.

7. Psychologically Impaired

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for individuals with impairments in psychological functioning.
Example: Support groups are vital for individuals who are psychologically impaired.

8. Cognitively Challenged

Appropriate Usage: Describes individuals facing challenges in cognitive functions.
Example: Adaptive technology can assist people who are cognitively challenged.

9. Intellectually Impaired

Appropriate Usage: Refers to individuals with reduced intellectual abilities.
Example: Community programs are available to support those who are intellectually impaired.

10. Mentally Disabled

Appropriate Usage: A general term for individuals with disabilities related to mental functioning.
Example: Accessibility for mentally disabled individuals is a priority in public infrastructure.

11. Developmentally Disabled

Appropriate Usage: Used for individuals with chronic disabilities that are manifested during development.
Example: The organization advocates for the rights of people who are developmentally disabled.

12. Learning Impaired

Appropriate Usage: Describes individuals who have difficulties with learning processes.
Example: Specialized educational tools benefit students who are learning impaired.

13. Neurologically Impaired

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for individuals with impairments in the nervous system affecting cognitive, motor, and emotional functioning.
Example: Therapies for neurologically impaired patients have advanced significantly.

14. Intellectually Disadvantaged

Appropriate Usage: Refers to individuals with below-average intellectual ability.
Example: Special job training programs are designed for intellectually disadvantaged adults.

15. Cognitive Disability

Appropriate Usage: Used for a disability that significantly affects mental processes.
Example: The new app is designed to be user-friendly for individuals with cognitive disabilities.

16. Developmentally Challenged

Appropriate Usage: Describes individuals facing challenges in their developmental progress.
Example: Schools are increasingly equipped to educate children who are developmentally challenged.

17. Neuro-atypical

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for individuals whose neurological development and functioning are atypical.
Example: Neuro-atypical individuals bring unique perspectives to problem-solving in the workplace.

18. Differently-Abled

Appropriate Usage: A term that emphasizes abilities rather than limitations.
Example: The differently-abled athletes competed in the Paralympic Games.

19. Psychosocially Impaired

Appropriate Usage: Refers to individuals with impairments in both psychological and social aspects.
Example: Tailored psychosocial programs are essential for individuals who are psychosocially impaired.

20. Neurologically Diverse

Appropriate Usage: Used for individuals with a variety of neurological conditions, emphasizing diversity.
Example: The conference focused on workplace inclusion for neurologically diverse employees.

Linda Brown