What Is Another Way to Say “Matter of Fact”?

Looking for synonyms for matter of fact? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say matter of fact.

  • Straightforward
  • Unembellished
  • Factual
  • Plain
  • Realistic
  • Pragmatic
  • No-nonsense
  • Literal
  • Undisguised
  • Direct
  • Objective
  • Unvarnished
  • Unadorned
  • Blunt
  • Candid
  • Down-to-earth
  • Unpretentious
  • Unaffected
  • Frank
  • Unembroidered

Want to learn how to say matter of fact professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Straightforward

Appropriate Usage: Describes something clear and uncomplicated.
Example: The CEO gave a straightforward explanation of the company’s financial situation.

2. Unembellished

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for describing something without unnecessary or decorative details.
Example: The report was unembellished, focusing solely on the factual data.

3. Factual

Appropriate Usage: Used when referring to something based on facts.
Example: Her approach to the problem was purely factual and data-driven.

4. Plain

Appropriate Usage: Describes something simple and unadorned.
Example: The instructions were plain and easy to follow.

5. Realistic

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for something based on real life or practical considerations.
Example: The project timeline is realistic, taking all potential delays into account.

6. Pragmatic

Appropriate Usage: Refers to dealing with things sensibly and realistically.
Example: His pragmatic approach to business has led to consistent growth.

7. No-nonsense

Appropriate Usage: Used for a straightforward, practical approach, often in a blunt manner.
Example: The new manager’s no-nonsense attitude quickly increased office efficiency.

8. Literal

Appropriate Usage: Describes taking words in their usual or most basic sense.
Example: The literal interpretation of the contract left no room for ambiguity.

9. Undisguised

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for something that is not concealed or hidden.
Example: Her undisguised enthusiasm for the project was contagious.

10. Direct

Appropriate Usage: Refers to something straightforward and honest.
Example: He was direct in his feedback, pointing out both strengths and weaknesses.

11. Objective

Appropriate Usage: Used when being unbiased or not influenced by personal feelings.
Example: The objective analysis of the market trends guided our strategy.

12. Unvarnished

Appropriate Usage: Describes something presented without gloss or embellishment.
Example: The CEO’s unvarnished account of the company’s challenges was appreciated by the staff.

13. Unadorned

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for something without decoration or embellishment.
Example: The presentation was unadorned but packed with useful information.

14. Blunt

Appropriate Usage: Refers to being uncompromisingly forthright.
Example: Her blunt assessment of the situation helped the team avoid a major mistake.

15. Candid

Appropriate Usage: Used for being truthful and straightforward.
Example: His candid remarks about the project’s setbacks were well-received.

16. Down-to-earth

Appropriate Usage: Describes a practical, realistic attitude.
Example: Her down-to-earth approach in negotiations won her many allies.

17. Unpretentious

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for something not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance.
Example: The unpretentious report accurately reflected the project’s status.

18. Unaffected

Appropriate Usage: Refers to something genuine, without artificiality.
Example: The leader’s unaffected demeanor earned him respect among his peers.

19. Frank

Appropriate Usage: Used for direct and unreserved in speech.
Example: The team appreciated her frank discussion of the challenges ahead.

20. Unembroidered

Appropriate Usage: Describes something without exaggeration or elaboration.
Example: The financial statements were unembroidered and transparent.

Linda Brown