What Is Another Way to Say “Made Possible”?

Looking for synonyms for made possible? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say made possible.

  • Enabled
  • Facilitated
  • Allowed
  • Permitted
  • Paved the way for
  • Fostered
  • Catalyzed
  • Empowered
  • Opened the door for
  • Gave rise to
  • Laid the groundwork for
  • Initiated
  • Set the stage for
  • Provided the means for
  • Made feasible

Want to learn how to say made possible professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Enabled

Used when something makes an action or process possible.

  • Example: “The new software enabled quicker data processing for the research team.”

2. Facilitated

Suitable for situations where something makes a process easier or more achievable.

  • Example: “Her leadership facilitated a smooth transition during the company merger.”

3. Allowed

Used when something is made possible by providing the necessary conditions or freedom.

  • Example: “The flexible work policy allowed more employees to pursue further education.”

4. Permitted

Appropriate when something is made possible by granting permission or opportunity.

  • Example: “The grant permitted the team to pursue their innovative project.”

5. Paved the Way for

Used to describe setting the foundation or conditions that make future actions or developments possible.

  • Example: “The groundbreaking research paved the way for new treatments in the field.”

6. Fostered

Suitable for situations where an environment or conditions are created that promote or encourage something.

  • Example: “The mentorship program fostered a culture of continuous learning in the organization.”

7. Catalyzed

Used when something acts as a catalyst to speed up or bring about a change or action.

  • Example: “Her findings catalyzed a major shift in the company’s environmental policies.”

8. Empowered

Appropriate for situations where people are given the power or authority to do something.

  • Example: “The training sessions empowered employees to make independent decisions.”

9. Opened the Door for

Used when new opportunities are created or made accessible.

  • Example: “The new regulation opened the door for smaller companies to enter the market.”

10. Gave Rise to

Suitable for situations where something causes or initiates a new development or idea.

  • Example: “The technological advancement gave rise to a new era of digital communication.”

11. Laid the Groundwork for

Used when an initial effort is made to make future developments possible.

  • Example: “Their early experiments laid the groundwork for the current success in renewable energy.”

12. Initiated

Appropriate for starting something that enables subsequent actions or processes.

  • Example: “The pilot project initiated a series of community-based initiatives.”

13. Set the Stage for

Used to describe creating the conditions that make something else possible or likely.

  • Example: “The merger set the stage for the company’s rapid expansion overseas.”

14. Provided the Means for

Suitable for situations where the necessary resources or methods are supplied to make something possible.

  • Example: “The fund provided the means for innovative startups to develop their prototypes.”

15. Made Feasible

Used when something is made practicable or achievable.

  • Example: “The new policy made feasible the widespread adoption of remote working.”

Linda Brown