What Is Another Way to Say “Low Class”?

Looking for synonyms for low class? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say low class.

  • Lower-class
  • Working-class
  • Plebeian
  • Low-income
  • Modest
  • Humble
  • Underprivileged
  • Blue-collar
  • Common
  • Lowly
  • Lower socioeconomic
  • Proletarian
  • Lower-status
  • Unsophisticated
  • Economically disadvantaged
  • Baseborn
  • Non-elite
  • Unrefined
  • Vulgar
  • Subaltern

Want to learn how to say low class professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Lower-Class

“Lower-class” refers to the social group that is at the bottom of the socioeconomic hierarchy.

Example: “The welfare program is designed to assist lower-class families in urban areas.”

2. Working-Class

“Working-class” typically refers to people employed in low-paying wage jobs or manual labor.

Example: “The candidate’s policies gained significant support from the working-class community.”

3. Plebeian

“Plebeian,” historically related to the common people of ancient Rome, is sometimes used to describe ordinary or common people.

Example: “The new line of affordable products is targeted towards the plebeian market.”

4. Low-Income

“Low-income” refers to individuals or groups who earn significantly less than the average.

Example: “Low-income families often struggle with access to quality education and healthcare.”

5. Modest

“Modest” can imply a lower social or economic status without negative connotations.

Example: “The company’s initiative focuses on providing technology access to students from modest backgrounds.”

6. Humble

“Humble” is used to describe a low social, economic, or professional status, often with a positive connotation of simplicity.

Example: “She rose to success from a humble beginning in a small rural town.”

7. Underprivileged

“Underprivileged” refers to a disadvantaged segment of society lacking in opportunities and resources.

Example: “The foundation’s mission is to support underprivileged youth in under-served communities.”

8. Blue-Collar

“Blue-collar” describes workers who engage in manual labor or skilled trades.

Example: “The government’s new policy aims to improve working conditions for blue-collar workers.”

9. Common

“Common” is sometimes used to refer to ordinary people, often in a broader societal context.

Example: “The public park is a recreational space intended for the enjoyment of the common people.”

10. Lowly

“Lowly” can imply a lower position or status, often used in a more historical or literary context.

Example: “The charity focuses on uplifting the most lowly and vulnerable segments of society.”

11. Lower Socioeconomic

“Lower socioeconomic” describes groups or individuals belonging to a lower position in the socioeconomic structure.

Example: “Lower socioeconomic areas often face challenges like limited access to healthcare.”

12. Proletarian

“Proletarian,” historically associated with the working class, refers to people who do not own the means of production.

Example: “The movement advocates for the rights of the proletarian class in the manufacturing sector.”

13. Lower-Status

“Lower-status” denotes a position that is regarded as lower in a social or professional hierarchy.

Example: “Lower-status employees are often overlooked in corporate decision-making processes.”

14. Unsophisticated

“Unsophisticated” can refer to a lack of refinement or complexity, often in the context of social status or taste.

Example: “The product’s design is aimed at unsophisticated users who prefer functionality over style.”

15. Economically Disadvantaged

“Economically disadvantaged” is a formal designation for individuals or groups with limited economic resources.

Example: “Economically disadvantaged communities are the primary beneficiaries of the fund.”

16. Baseborn

“Baseborn” is an archaic term historically used to refer to people of lower birth or social status.

Example: “The scholarship program was revolutionary in its inclusion of baseborn students.”

17. Non-Elite

“Non-elite” describes individuals or groups that are not part of the upper, privileged class.

Example: “The survey focuses on the opinions of the non-elite population on tax reforms.”

18. Unrefined

“Unrefined” can imply a lack of sophistication or polish, often associated with lower social standing.

Example: “The unrefined mannerisms were noticeable in the way he conducted the meeting.”

19. Vulgar

“Vulgar” is sometimes used to describe common people, but it carries a negative connotation of coarseness or lack of refinement.

Example: “The artist’s work was initially dismissed as appealing only to vulgar tastes.”

20. Subaltern

“Subaltern” is a term used in critical theory to describe populations which are socially, politically, and geographically outside of the hegemonic power structure.

Example: “The study focuses on the narratives of subaltern groups in the region.”

Linda Brown