What Is Another Way to Say “Long Winded”?

Looking for synonyms for long winded? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say long winded.

  • Verbose
  • Wordy
  • Prolix
  • Rambling
  • Tedious
  • Lengthy
  • Protracted
  • Long-drawn-out
  • Circuitous
  • Redundant
  • Ponderous
  • Loquacious
  • Garrulous
  • Diffuse
  • Tiresome

Want to learn how to say long winded professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Verbose

Usage: Suitable for describing speech or writing that uses more words than necessary.
Example: “The verbose report could be more effective if it were more concise.”

2. Wordy

Usage: Ideal for text or speech that is overly lengthy or detailed.
Example: “His emails are often wordy, making it hard to identify the key points.”

3. Prolix

Usage: Appropriate for communication that is tediously prolonged and wordy.
Example: “The prolix nature of the legal document made it difficult to understand.”

4. Rambling

Usage: Used for speech or writing that is disjointedly or aimlessly lengthy.
Example: “Her presentations tend to be rambling, lacking a clear focus or direction.”

5. Tedious

Usage: Suitable for something that is too long, slow, or dull.
Example: “The tedious meeting could have been summarized in a brief email.”

6. Lengthy

Usage: Ideal for describing something that is considerably long in duration or extent.
Example: “The project’s lengthy development phase exceeded the initial time estimates.”

7. Protracted

Usage: Appropriate for a duration that is unnecessarily long or drawn out.
Example: “Negotiations were protracted, delaying the project’s start date.”

8. Long-drawn-out

Usage: Used for situations or discussions that are extended longer than necessary.
Example: “The long-drawn-out approval process hindered the team’s progress.”

9. Circuitous

Usage: Suitable for a route or journey that is longer than the most direct way.
Example: “His circuitous explanation was confusing and could have been more direct.”

10. Redundant

Usage: Ideal for expressing the same idea or thing several times.
Example: “The document is full of redundant information that could be streamlined.”

11. Ponderous

Usage: Appropriate for a slow and clumsy due to being overly long-winded.
Example: “The ponderous speech lacked engagement and lost the audience’s interest.”

12. Loquacious

Usage: Used to describe someone who talks a lot, often excessively.
Example: “The loquacious host dominated the discussion, leaving little room for others to speak.”

13. Garrulous

Usage: Suitable for someone who is excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.
Example: “The garrulous consultant often strayed off-topic during meetings.”

14. Diffuse

Usage: Ideal for writing or speech that is not concise or is overly wordy.
Example: “The diffuse article could benefit from more focused and concise editing.”

15. Tiresome

Usage: Appropriate for something that causes one to feel bored or annoyed.
Example: “The tiresome lecture failed to maintain the students’ interest.”

Linda Brown