What Is Another Way to Say “Life Expectancy”?

Looking for synonyms for life expectancy? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say life expectancy.

  • Lifespan
  • Longevity
  • Years of life
  • Duration of life
  • Life duration
  • Expected lifetime
  • Survival expectancy
  • Average lifespan
  • Life span projection
  • Mortality outlook
  • Age expectancy
  • Vitality span
  • Projected lifespan
  • Longevity expectation
  • Anticipated lifetime

Want to learn how to say life expectancy professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Lifespan

Appropriate for referring to the total length of time a person or organism lives.
Example: “Advances in healthcare have significantly increased the average human lifespan.”

2. Longevity

Suitable for describing the length of life, often with a focus on living longer.
Example: “The study focuses on factors contributing to the longevity of individuals in various regions.”

3. Years of Life

Used when quantifying the number of years a person or population is expected to live.
Example: “The report showed an increase in the years of life due to improved living conditions.”

4. Duration of Life

Appropriate for discussing the time span from birth to death.
Example: “Nutrition plays a critical role in the duration of life.”

5. Life Duration

Used when referring to the length of time an individual lives.
Example: “Genetics and environment are key determinants of life duration.”

6. Expected Lifetime

Suitable for scenarios where the focus is on the anticipated length of an individual’s life.
Example: “In this region, the expected lifetime has risen over the past decade.”

7. Survival Expectancy

Used in contexts related to survival rates over a specified period.
Example: “The survival expectancy for patients with this treatment has improved remarkably.”

8. Average Lifespan

Appropriate for discussing the typical length of life within a population.
Example: “The average lifespan in industrialized countries has increased due to better healthcare.”

9. Life Span Projection

Used for estimates or predictions about the length of life in future scenarios.
Example: “Climate change might impact the life span projection of future generations.”

10. Mortality Outlook

Suitable for discussing the expected trends in death rates and life expectancy.
Example: “The mortality outlook has improved with advancements in medical technology.”

11. Age Expectancy

Appropriate for discussing the expected age a person or demographic group might reach.
Example: “Age expectancy differs significantly across various socio-economic groups.”

12. Vitality Span

Used to describe the period during which a person remains active and healthy.
Example: “The study aims to increase the vitality span, not just the number of years lived.”

13. Projected Lifespan

Suitable for estimates or forecasts about the length of life based on current trends.
Example: “The projected lifespan of individuals in developed nations continues to rise.”

14. Longevity Expectation

Appropriate for discussing the anticipated length of life based on various factors.
Example: “Lifestyle changes have altered the longevity expectation of the average person.”

15. Anticipated Lifetime

Used when referring to the expected total duration of an individual’s life.
Example: “The anticipated lifetime for this demographic has shown an upward trend in recent years.”

Linda Brown