What Is Another Way to Say “Let Go”?

Looking for synonyms for let go? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say let go.

  • Release
  • Discharge
  • Set free
  • Liberate
  • Unleash
  • Free
  • Dismiss
  • Relinquish
  • Abandon
  • Surrender
  • Forsake
  • Cast off
  • Give up
  • Detach
  • Unbind

Want to learn how to say let go professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Release

When to use: To allow something to move, act, or flow freely.
Example: “The company decided to release the new software update at the end of the month.”

2. Discharge

When to use: Formally allowing someone to leave a place or position.
Example: “After the project was completed, the contractor was discharged from his duties.”

3. Set Free

When to use: Allowing someone or something to be free from confinement or control.
Example: “The research team was set free to explore innovative approaches to the problem.”

4. Liberate

When to use: To free someone from a situation that limits freedom of thought or behavior.
Example: “The new policy was intended to liberate employees from unnecessary bureaucratic procedures.”

5. Unleash

When to use: To release a force, emotion, or potential.
Example: “The company’s new strategy aims to unleash the creative potential of its employees.”

6. Free

When to use: To make someone or something available by releasing them from an obligation.
Example: “He was freed from his managerial duties to focus on strategic development.”

7. Dismiss

When to use: To officially remove someone from their job or position.
Example: “After the merger, several employees were dismissed due to restructuring.”

8. Relinquish

When to use: Voluntarily ceasing to keep or claim something.
Example: “She decided to relinquish her role as team leader to pursue further studies.”

9. Abandon

When to use: To give up completely a course of action, a practice, or a way of thinking.
Example: “The company had to abandon its plans for expansion in the face of economic downturn.”

10. Surrender

When to use: To stop resisting an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority.
Example: “After a prolonged legal battle, the company surrendered its claim to the disputed property.”

11. Forsake

When to use: To abandon or leave something.
Example: “He forsook his traditional marketing techniques in favor of more modern methods.”

12. Cast Off

When to use: To discard or reject.
Example: “The old policies were cast off in favor of more dynamic and flexible guidelines.”

13. Give Up

When to use: To cease making an effort; surrender.
Example: “After numerous failed attempts, the team gave up on the original project idea.”

14. Detach

When to use: To disengage (something or part of something) and remove it.
Example: “She had to detach herself from day-to-day operations to focus on the long-term strategy.”

15. Unbind

When to use: To free from restrictions or bonds.
Example: “Unbinding themselves from traditional practices, the company embraced innovative solutions.”

Linda Brown