What Is Another Way to Say “Learn New Things”?

Looking for synonyms for learn new things? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say learn new things.

  • Acquire knowledge
  • Gain insight
  • Educate oneself
  • Absorb information
  • Grasp new concepts
  • Build understanding
  • Enhance skills
  • Broaden horizons
  • Develop expertise
  • Expand knowledge
  • Increase awareness
  • Advance learning
  • Cultivate intellect
  • Discover new ideas
  • Explore new areas
  • Master new skills
  • Embrace learning
  • Grow intellectually
  • Seek knowledge
  • Foster understanding

Want to learn how to say learn new things professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Acquire Knowledge

Used in contexts where gaining understanding or information in a general or specific area is the focus.

  • Example: “Employees are encouraged to regularly acquire knowledge through professional development courses.”

2. Gain Insight

Appropriate for situations where a deeper understanding or clarity about a specific subject is sought.

  • Example: “Through market research, the team aimed to gain insight into consumer behavior.”

3. Educate Oneself

Used when an individual takes the initiative to learn or understand new topics or skills.

  • Example: “I decided to educate myself about the latest digital marketing strategies.”

4. Absorb Information

Appropriate for situations where one is taking in and understanding information, often rapidly or in large amounts.

  • Example: “As a new employee, he had to absorb information about the company’s processes quickly.”

5. Grasp New Concepts

Refers to the understanding or comprehension of new ideas, theories, or practices.

  • Example: “The training sessions helped employees grasp new concepts in data analysis.”

6. Build Understanding

Used when developing a more profound or comprehensive knowledge of a subject over time.

  • Example: “Through ongoing training, our team is building understanding of international compliance laws.”

7. Enhance Skills

Appropriate for improving or augmenting existing abilities or proficiencies.

  • Example: “The workshop is designed to enhance skills in communication and leadership.”

8. Broaden Horizons

Used to describe the expansion of one’s range of interests, activities, or knowledge.

  • Example: “Attending the global conference will help to broaden your professional horizons.”

9. Develop Expertise

Refers to the process of gaining deep knowledge or proficiency in a particular field or subject.

  • Example: “She is attending advanced courses to develop expertise in cloud computing.”

10. Expand Knowledge

Used when increasing one’s understanding or information in a broad sense.

  • Example: “Our monthly seminars are an opportunity for staff to expand their knowledge.”

11. Increase Awareness

Appropriate for becoming more conscious or informed about a particular topic or issue.

  • Example: “The training program aims to increase awareness about cybersecurity threats.”

12. Advance Learning

Refers to the process of moving forward or progressing in one’s education or understanding.

  • Example: “The online platform allows professionals to advance their learning at their own pace.”

13. Cultivate Intellect

Used when nurturing or developing one’s mental abilities or understanding.

  • Example: “Reading industry publications regularly helps to cultivate intellect.”

14. Discover New Ideas

Refers to the process of uncovering or becoming aware of novel concepts or perspectives.

  • Example: “Brainstorming sessions are a great way to discover new ideas for product innovation.”

15. Explore New Areas

Used when investigating or learning about different fields, subjects, or interests.

  • Example: “The research team is exploring new areas in sustainable energy solutions.”

16. Master New Skills

Appropriate for achieving a high level of proficiency in new abilities or techniques.

  • Example: “She is undertaking a course to master new skills in graphic design.”

17. Embrace Learning

Used to describe the willingness to actively and enthusiastically engage in the education process.

  • Example: “Our company culture encourages employees to embrace learning as a lifelong journey.”

18. Grow Intellectually

Refers to the development and expansion of one’s mental faculties or understanding.

  • Example: “Participating in industry forums is a great way to grow intellectually.”

19. Seek Knowledge

Used when actively looking for or pursuing new information or understanding.

  • Example: “As a part of his role, he continuously seeks knowledge on emerging market trends.”

20. Foster Understanding

Appropriate for promoting or encouraging the development of comprehension or insight.

  • Example: “Our mentorship program is designed to foster understanding of the business’s core values.”

Linda Brown