What Is Another Way to Say “Keep Track Of”?

Looking for synonyms for keep track of? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say keep track of.

  • Monitor
  • Record
  • Follow
  • Observe
  • Track
  • Log
  • Oversee
  • Supervise
  • Catalog
  • Document
  • Register
  • Note
  • Chronicle
  • Maintain surveillance
  • Watch

Want to learn how to say keep track of professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Monitor

Usage: Ideal for regularly checking on the progress or quality of something over a period.
Example: “We continuously monitor market trends to adjust our strategies accordingly.”

2. Record

Usage: Suitable for maintaining a written or digital account of events, processes, or data.
Example: “The team records all client interactions to improve our customer service.”

3. Follow

Usage: Appropriate for keeping up with or staying informed about something.
Example: “She follows industry developments closely to stay ahead in her field.”

4. Observe

Usage: Used for watching or noticing something, especially to learn from it.
Example: “Our analysts observe market behaviors to predict future trends.”

5. Track

Usage: Ideal for closely following or monitoring the course or progress of something.
Example: “The software is used to track the performance of our online marketing campaigns.”

6. Log

Usage: Suitable for making a systematic, chronological record of events, processes, or data.
Example: “Technicians log all maintenance activities for quality control purposes.”

7. Oversee

Usage: Appropriate for supervising a process or activity.
Example: “Her role is to oversee the entire project to ensure timely completion.”

8. Supervise

Usage: Used for overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group.
Example: “He supervises the sales team, ensuring they meet their quarterly targets.”

9. Catalog

Usage: Ideal for systematically listing items or data.
Example: “The librarian catalogs new acquisitions for easy access and reference.”

10. Document

Usage: Suitable for creating a detailed record of something in written, photographic, or other forms.
Example: “All procedures and decisions are carefully documented for future reference.”

11. Register

Usage: Appropriate for recording or enrolling information officially.
Example: “Every incident is registered in the company’s safety system.”

12. Note

Usage: Used for briefly recording something in writing as a reminder or reference.
Example: “He notes all meeting points for later review and action.”

13. Chronicle

Usage: Ideal for recording events or developments systematically over time.
Example: “The company’s growth over the years has been chronicled in its annual reports.”

14. Maintain Surveillance

Usage: Suitable for continuously observing a person or an area, often for security purposes.
Example: “Security teams maintain surveillance of the premises 24/7.”

15. Watch

Usage: Appropriate for looking at or observing attentively over a period.
Example: “The marketing team watches consumer behavior to adjust their strategies effectively.”

Linda Brown