What Is Another Way to Say “In Short”?

Looking for synonyms for in short? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say in short.

  • In summary
  • To summarize
  • Briefly
  • Essentially
  • In a nutshell
  • To put it simply
  • Concisely
  • In essence
  • In conclusion
  • To sum up
  • Simply put
  • In brief
  • To condense
  • In a word
  • To boil it down

Want to learn how to say in short professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. In Summary

Used to introduce a concise restatement of what has been said or written.

  • Example: “In summary, the project’s success hinges on timely completion and budget adherence.”

2. To Summarize

Ideal for encapsulating the main points or essence of a discussion or text.

  • Example: “To summarize, our marketing strategy focuses on digital outreach and customer engagement.”

3. Briefly

Used to indicate that something will be said or explained in a few words.

  • Example: “Briefly, the new policy covers flexible working hours and remote work options.”

4. Essentially

Appropriate for highlighting the fundamental aspect of a more complex topic.

  • Example: “Essentially, the software upgrade will enhance data security and processing speed.”

5. In a Nutshell

Used for summarizing information in a very concise way.

  • Example: “In a nutshell, the merger will expand our market share and product line.”

6. To Put It Simply

Ideal for simplifying a complex idea or concept.

  • Example: “To put it simply, the change in leadership will bring a more aggressive growth strategy.”

7. Concisely

Used when expressing something in a clear, succinct manner.

  • Example: “Concisely, the report indicates a significant increase in customer satisfaction.”

8. In Essence

Appropriate for distilling the most vital part of a discussion or argument.

  • Example: “In essence, the new regulations require more transparency from corporations.”

9. In Conclusion

Used to introduce the final summary or the last part of a presentation or document.

  • Example: “In conclusion, the proposed budget aligns with our strategic goals for the next fiscal year.”

10. To Sum Up

Ideal for providing a summary or recapitulation of previously stated facts or arguments.

  • Example: “To sum up, our research points to a strong correlation between customer service quality and loyalty.”

11. Simply Put

Used to make a statement or idea clear and uncomplicated.

  • Example: “Simply put, this technology will reduce costs and improve efficiency.”

12. In Brief

Appropriate for a quick summary or a short and concise explanation.

  • Example: “In brief, the meeting covered project timelines, budget allocations, and staffing needs.”

13. To Condense

Used when reducing something to its key points or essence.

  • Example: “To condense, the proposal outlines three main strategies for market expansion.”

14. In a Word

Ideal for summarizing a complex idea in a single word or a very brief phrase.

  • Example: “In a word, the company’s performance this quarter was exceptional.”

15. To Boil It Down

Used to reduce something to its most basic and fundamental elements.

  • Example: “To boil it down, the success of this project hinges on effective teamwork and clear communication.”

Linda Brown