What Is Another Way to Say “In Danger”?

Looking for synonyms for in danger? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say in danger.

  • At risk
  • Endangered
  • Imperiled
  • Threatened
  • In jeopardy
  • Vulnerable
  • At peril
  • In harm’s way
  • Exposed to danger
  • Under threat
  • In a precarious position
  • At the mercy of
  • In a vulnerable position
  • Facing danger
  • In a risky situation
  • In a hazardous situation
  • Susceptible to harm
  • On thin ice
  • In a dangerous predicament
  • On the brink of danger

Want to learn how to say in danger professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. At Risk

Used to describe a situation where there is a threat of harm or loss.
Example: “Employees working without proper safety gear are at risk of injury.”

2. Endangered

Appropriate for situations where someone or something is facing a serious threat of extinction or damage.
Example: “The endangered species are being protected by new environmental laws.”

3. Imperiled

Used to describe a situation of being in extreme danger.
Example: “The imperiled wetlands are crucial for the region’s ecological balance.”

4. Threatened

Suitable for situations where harm or adverse effects are likely.
Example: “The coastal towns are threatened by rising sea levels.”

5. In Jeopardy

Used when something is in danger of being harmed or lost.
Example: “The project is in jeopardy if we don’t meet the deadline.”

6. Vulnerable

Appropriate for describing someone or something that is open to physical or emotional harm.
Example: “The unsecured data leaves our systems vulnerable to cyber-attacks.”

7. At Peril

Used to describe being in a situation of serious and immediate danger.
Example: “They are working at peril in these unsafe working conditions.”

8. In Harm’s Way

Indicates being in a position where harm could occur.
Example: “First responders often put themselves in harm’s way to save others.”

9. Exposed to Danger

Suitable for situations where there is no protection from a harmful or risky situation.
Example: “Without proper training, workers are exposed to danger on the construction site.”

10. Under Threat

Used when something is facing a likely danger or harm.
Example: “The forest is under threat due to illegal logging activities.”

11. In a Precarious Position

Indicates a situation that is dangerously unstable or insecure.
Example: “The company is in a precarious position due to financial mismanagement.”

12. At the Mercy of

Appropriate for a situation where one is powerless to resist a threat or danger.
Example: “Small businesses are often at the mercy of market fluctuations.”

13. In a Vulnerable Position

Used when someone is susceptible to harm or attack.
Example: “The isolated location of the camp puts it in a vulnerable position.”

14. Facing Danger

Suitable for situations where danger is imminent or confronting someone.
Example: “The expedition team is facing danger due to unpredictable weather conditions.”

15. In a Risky Situation

Used to describe a situation involving a high level of risk.
Example: “Investing in that venture now would put us in a risky situation.”

16. In a Hazardous Situation

Appropriate for a situation involving potential danger, especially to people’s safety.
Example: “The chemical spill has put the workers in a hazardous situation.”

17. Susceptible to Harm

Indicates a likelihood of being harmed or adversely affected.
Example: “Without proper security measures, the system is susceptible to harm.”

18. On Thin Ice

A metaphorical way to describe a risky or dangerous situation.
Example: “The manager is on thin ice with the board due to his controversial decisions.”

19. In a Dangerous Predicament

Suitable for a situation that is both difficult and risky.
Example: “The stranded hikers are in a dangerous predicament due to the approaching storm.”

20. On the Brink of Danger

Used to describe being very close to a dangerous situation.
Example: “The city is on the brink of danger with the river levels rising rapidly.”

Linda Brown