What Is Another Way to Say “I’m Rooting for You”?

Are you trying to let someone know you support them in a friendly way?

However, you’re a little worried I’m rooting for you is a bit informal, right?

Well, you’ve come to the right place to learn a bit more.

This article will teach you other ways to say I’m rooting for you to help you mix things up.

6 Alternative Ways to Say “I’m Rooting for You”

You can refer to this list of alternatives to find out what to say instead of I’m rooting for you:

  • I’m cheering you on
  • I have faith in you
  • You’ve got my support
  • I believe in you
  • I’m behind you all the way
  • I’m on your side

1. I’m Cheering You On

If you’re wondering what to say instead of I’m rooting for you, try I’m cheering you on.

I’m cheering you on is a polite and friendly way to show someone you support them.

If they’ve got something important to do, this will let them know you’re in their corner.

Of course, it’s not the most professional phrase. So, it’s better to use this when texting coworkers.

If they have something important going on outside of the workplace, this could be a good way to show them you’re with them. Your support might be all they need to succeed.

Here are some text message samples to help you understand more about it:

Hey, Murph! I’m cheering you on, and I hope you get the most out of this competition! You deserve it.

I’m cheering you on. I know you’re going to do so well when you get out there and push yourself.

2. I Have Faith in You

Next, you can write I have faith in you as another way to say I’m rooting for you.

It works really well when you want to offer someone friendly and caring sentiments. This time, using I have faith suggests you know that someone is more than capable of doing something.

Try using it when supporting a friend through a difficult time. It suggests that you know they’re really strong, and you want them to make the most out of their situation.

For instance, they might be going through some health complications. I have faith in you allows you to sincerely wish them well and show them that they can get through it.

Here are some message samples if you still need help understanding it:

I have faith in you, and I know you’ll come out of this better than ever! I’m always here for you.

Of course, I have faith in you. You’re going to be just fine, and I can’t wait to see what comes next for you.

3. You’ve Got My Support

You can use you’ve got my support as a more professional synonym.

We recommend using this when reaching out to an employee. It lets them know that you’re in their corner and that you believe they’re more than capable of doing something.

Generally, this is going to be a good way to boost employee morale. It also allows you to come across as a more approachable and friendly employer, which often goes a long way.

So, you should use it if you want to improve employee relationships. It’s always good to keep your employees happy, after all.

Feel free to review this sample email if you still need more information:

Dear Michelle,

You’ve got my support.

I’m here for you at this time, and I want you to know that you can count on me.

Best wishes,
Steven Berg

4. I Believe in You

You should also write I believe in you instead of I’m rooting for you.

This is a formal and polite way to show someone you support them. It often works best when emailing coworkers.

If you know they have an important project coming up, this phrase will work well. It will fill your coworker with hope and let them know that you support them and their choices.

You should also check out this sample email to learn more about how it can work:

Dear Ben,

I believe in you, and I don’t think there’s a better man for the job.

Let me know if you need further assistance from me, though.

All the best,
Madison Kant

5. I’m Behind You All the Way

You can write I’m behind you all the way in more formal cases. It works quite well in an email, which makes it a useful choice when contacting an employee.

You should try this because it keeps things friendly and polite. It lets an employee know that you support their choices.

The more supportive you are as a boss, the happier your employees will be! And happier workforces often yield the best results!

So, you can check out this sample email to learn a bit more:

Dear Katherine,

I’m behind you all the way during this presentation.

Please reach out if you need anything before we start.

Lewis Sutton

6. I’m on Your Side

We want to finish with I’m on your side. This is a great way to support someone, as it shows you’ve got their back and understand what they’re going through.

You can use this when contacting a coworker. It suggests that you’re with them in solidarity, and you’ll help them through a situation, especially if they’re struggling with it.

Feel free to review these text message samples to learn a bit more about it:

I’m on your side as you go through this! Just let me know if I can do or say anything to help you.

I hope you know that I’m on your side here. There’s no way I’d side with the other team during this.

Is It Correct to Say “I’m Rooting for You”?

It is correct to say I’m rooting for you. It’s a great way to let someone know you support them.

It’s a friendly phrase. So, you can’t use it professionally. But that doesn’t mean it’s not good to use!

In fact, we recommend using it when texting coworkers or friends. After all, it’s a good opportunity to let them know you’ve got their backs.

Here is a great text message sample to show you how to use it:

I’m rooting for you right now, Ben! I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it through this without any issues.

You can also mix it up and use we are rooting for you. Including we instead of I shows you are representing a group. It’s still friendly and personal, but it works well in cards from multiple people.

Here’s a card sample to show you how it can work:

We are rooting for you! We’re certain that you’ll be able to make it through this with no issues.

However, make sure you know the correct spelling before using this phrase! The last thing you’ll want to do is get it wrong and make a simple (and avoidable) mistake.

Mistake: Using routing instead of rooting

  • Correct: I’m rooting for you.
  • Incorrect: I’m routing for you.

It’s clear that I’m rooting for you works well in friendly situations. But you should explore some alternatives to see what other situations you can use a similar phrase in.

Therefore, feel free to review our list of synonyms to learn how to say I’m rooting for you in an email or another situation.

George O'Connor