What Is Another Way to Say “Go Down”?

Looking for synonyms for go down? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say go down.

  • Descend
  • Drop
  • Plummet
  • Fall
  • Sink
  • Decline
  • Decrease
  • Lower
  • Dwindle
  • Subside
  • Slip
  • Slide
  • Dip
  • Tumble
  • Sag
  • Collapse
  • Depreciate
  • Reduce
  • Diminish
  • Swoop

Want to learn how to say go down professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Descend

Appropriate Use: Often used for moving downwards, typically in a controlled manner.
Example: The drone was programmed to descend slowly to a lower altitude.

2. Drop

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a sudden decrease in level or intensity.
Example: There was a significant drop in sales during the last quarter.

3. Plummet

Appropriate Use: Ideal for a steep and rapid fall, often used in financial contexts.
Example: The company’s stock prices plummeted following the CEO’s resignation.

4. Fall

Appropriate Use: A general term for moving downwards, applicable in various contexts.
Example: The temperature is expected to fall drastically overnight.

5. Sink

Appropriate Use: Often used to describe a gradual decrease, especially in levels or values.
Example: The company’s profits began to sink after the market disruption.

6. Decline

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a gradual decrease, often in quality, quantity, or intensity.
Example: The aging infrastructure has led to a decline in the city’s efficiency.

7. Decrease

Appropriate Use: A broad term for reducing in size, number, or extent.
Example: There was a noticeable decrease in customer complaints this year.

8. Lower

Appropriate Use: Ideal for reducing something in position, intensity, or magnitude.
Example: The company decided to lower prices to remain competitive.

9. Dwindle

Appropriate Use: Suitable for diminishing gradually in size, amount, or strength.
Example: The resources for the project started to dwindle as delays continued.

10. Subside

Appropriate Use: Often used for a lessening or reduction, typically of something intense or unpleasant.
Example: The demand for the product subsided after the initial launch hype.

11. Slip

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a gradual and often unnoticeable decrease.
Example: The quality of the products had begun to slip over the past year.

12. Slide

Appropriate Use: Often used to describe a smooth and steady decrease.
Example: The company’s market share has been sliding in recent months.

13. Dip

Appropriate Use: Ideal for a small or temporary decrease.
Example: There was a brief dip in employee morale during the restructuring phase.

14. Tumble

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a sudden and sharp fall, often used in financial markets.
Example: The investor’s assets tumbled in value during the economic downturn.

15. Sag

Appropriate Use: Often used when something droops or sinks from pressure or loss of tension.
Example: The project’s momentum began to sag after key personnel left the company.

16. Collapse

Appropriate Use: Ideal for a sudden and complete failure or fall.
Example: The bridge collapsed under the weight of the heavy traffic.

17. Depreciate

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a decrease in value over time, especially in financial or asset contexts.
Example: The machinery depreciated in value over its five-year lifespan.

18. Reduce

Appropriate Use: A general term for making something smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.
Example: The new policy aims to reduce energy consumption by 20%.

19. Diminish

Appropriate Use: Often used for a reduction in size, extent, or importance.
Example: The influence of traditional advertising has diminished in the digital age.

20. Swoop

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a sudden and rapid downward movement.
Example: The eagle swooped down to catch its prey.

Linda Brown