What Is Another Way to Say “Get By”?

Looking for synonyms for get by? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say get by.

  • Manage
  • Survive
  • Cope
  • Make do
  • Squeak by
  • Scrape by
  • Make ends meet
  • Subsist
  • Eke out a living
  • Muddle through

Want to learn how to say get by professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Manage

Appropriate Use: To handle or direct with a degree of skill, especially to achieve a goal under challenging conditions.
Example: Despite the budget cuts, we managed to complete the project on time by reallocating resources efficiently.

2. Survive

Appropriate Use: To continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.
Example: The startup survived the economic downturn by pivoting its business model and finding new markets.

3. Cope

Appropriate Use: To deal effectively with something difficult.
Example: The team coped with the workload by prioritizing tasks and working overtime when necessary.

4. Make do

Appropriate Use: To manage with the limited resources or conditions available.
Example: We had to make do with outdated equipment until the new budget was approved.

5. Squeak by

Appropriate Use: To barely achieve something, such as passing a test or surviving financially.
Example: The department squeaked by this quarter, meeting its minimum sales targets by a narrow margin.

6. Scrape by

Appropriate Use: To manage to live or sustain oneself with difficulty, often financially.
Example: After the funding was cut, the research team had to scrape by with very limited resources.

7. Make ends meet

Appropriate Use: To manage one’s resources so as to make income match expenditures.
Example: Many small businesses are struggling to make ends meet during the economic slump.

8. Subsist

Appropriate Use: To maintain or support oneself at a minimal level.
Example: The freelancer subsisted on a series of small projects until landing a more stable position.

9. Eke out a living

Appropriate Use: To obtain a living or sustain oneself with great effort or difficulty.
Example: In the competitive market, many artists are eking out a living through various side gigs.

10. Muddle through

Appropriate Use: To manage to get through something despite difficulties or confusion.
Example: Despite the team leader’s absence, the team muddled through the project phase and met the deadline.

Linda Brown