What Is Another Way to Say “Engage In”?

Looking for synonyms for engage in? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say engage in.

  • Participate in
  • Partake in
  • Involve oneself in
  • Take part in
  • Engross oneself in
  • Embark on
  • Join in
  • Enter into
  • Undertake
  • Immerse oneself in
  • Indulge in
  • Be involved in
  • Commit to
  • Engage with
  • Dip into
  • Dabble in
  • Get involved in
  • Throw oneself into
  • Plunge into
  • Submerge oneself in

Want to learn how to say engage in professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Participate in

Participate in is used when someone actively takes part in an event or activity.

  • Example: “She decided to participate in the international conference.”

2. Partake in

Partake in is often used to describe involvement in an activity, especially in a sharing or communal sense.

  • Example: “The team members were encouraged to partake in the workshop.”

3. Involve Oneself in

Involve oneself in is used when someone actively gets involved in an activity or situation, often implying a personal choice.

  • Example: “He chose to involve himself in the new research project.”

4. Take Part in

Take part in is used to describe the action of joining others in an activity or event.

  • Example: “Employees were invited to take part in the team-building activities.”

5. Engross Oneself in

Engross oneself in is used when someone becomes completely absorbed or deeply focused in an activity.

  • Example: “She engrossed herself in the data analysis for the project.”

6. Embark on

Embark on is often used to indicate the beginning of a significant activity or journey, especially one that requires commitment.

  • Example: “The company embarked on a major restructuring process.”

7. Join in

Join in is used when someone becomes a part of an activity or conversation that is already taking place.

  • Example: “New staff members were encouraged to join in the discussions.”

8. Enter into

Enter into is used to describe the act of starting or becoming part of an activity or agreement.

  • Example: “The firm decided to enter into a partnership with the overseas company.”

9. Undertake

Undertake is a formal way of saying that someone is starting to do or commit to a particular task or responsibility.

  • Example: “She undertook the responsibility of leading the marketing campaign.”

10. Immerse Oneself in

Immerse oneself in is used when someone becomes completely involved in an activity or subject.

  • Example: “The manager immersed himself in the details of the project.”

11. Indulge in

Indulge in is used when someone allows themselves to enjoy an activity or experience.

  • Example: “The team decided to indulge in a brainstorming session.”

12. Be Involved in

Be involved in is used to indicate participation or having a role in a particular activity or situation.

  • Example: “He was heavily involved in developing the new strategy.”

13. Commit to

Commit to is used when someone makes a decision to dedicate themselves to an activity or cause.

  • Example: “The employees committed to improving their productivity.”

14. Engage with

Engage with is used when someone interacts or becomes involved with another person or subject.

  • Example: “The consultant engaged with the team to identify areas for improvement.”

15. Dip into

Dip into is used informally to describe briefly engaging or participating in an activity.

  • Example: “She occasionally dipped into the training sessions.”

16. Dabble in

Dabble in is used to describe taking part in an activity in a non-serious or casual manner.

  • Example: “He dabbled in various projects but specialized in none.”

17. Get Involved in

Get involved in is a casual way of saying to participate or become part of an activity.

  • Example: “The interns were encouraged to get involved in all aspects of the operation.”

18. Throw Oneself into

Throw oneself into describes immersing oneself completely and energetically in an activity.

  • Example: “After being promoted, she threw herself into her new role with great enthusiasm.”

19. Plunge into

Plunge into is used to describe entering into an activity or situation suddenly and with enthusiasm.

  • Example: “The team plunged into the project, motivated by the new challenge.”

20. Submerge Oneself in

Submerge oneself in is used when someone gets deeply involved in an activity, often losing oneself in it.

  • Example: “He submerged himself in the company’s archives to understand its history better.”

Linda Brown