What Is Another Way to Say “Dig Into”?

Looking for synonyms for dig into? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say dig into.

  • Delve into
  • Investigate
  • Probe
  • Examine
  • Explore
  • Research
  • Scrutinize
  • Study
  • Dissect
  • Analyze
  • Look into
  • Inquire into
  • Inspect
  • Search into
  • Go into
  • Burrow into
  • Sift through
  • Unearth
  • Plunge into
  • Unpack

Want to learn how to say dig into professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Delve into

Used when engaging in a thorough or detailed examination of a subject or issue.
Example: “The researcher decided to delve into the historical archives for more information.”

2. Investigate

Appropriate for formally or systematically examining or researching a subject or situation.
Example: “The team will investigate the market trends to inform the new product development.”

3. Probe

Refers to inquiring deeply into a subject, often to uncover information.
Example: “The journalist probed into the company’s financial records.”

4. Examine

Used for inspecting or looking at something closely and critically.
Example: “She examined the legal documents thoroughly before the trial.”

5. Explore

Appropriate for looking into or studying something to discover more about it.
Example: “The scientist will explore different theories in her experiment.”

6. Research

Refers to the systematic investigation into a subject to establish facts or principles.
Example: “He spent months researching the effects of pollution on marine life.”

7. Scrutinize

Used for examining something very carefully in a critical way.
Example: “The proposal was scrutinized by the committee for any possible risks.”

8. Study

Appropriate for devoting time and attention to acquiring knowledge on a subject.
Example: “The architect studied ancient designs to inspire her new project.”

9. Dissect

Refers to analyzing something in great detail.
Example: “The analyst dissected the financial report to understand the company’s decline.”

10. Analyze

Used for examining something methodically and in detail, typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
Example: “The data was analyzed to identify patterns in consumer behavior.”

11. Look into

Appropriate for trying to find out about something, such as a problem or issue.
Example: “Management agreed to look into the possibilities of remote working.”

12. Inquire into

Refers to making inquiries or investigations into something.
Example: “The regulatory body will inquire into the safety standards of the product.”

13. Inspect

Used for looking at something closely and thoroughly to assess its condition.
Example: “The engineer inspected the structure for any signs of damage.”

14. Search into

Appropriate for an attempt to find more information by examining something carefully.
Example: “The detective searched into the background of the suspect.”

15. Go into

Refers to dealing with something in detail.
Example: “The report will go into the environmental impacts of the proposed construction.”

16. Burrow into

Used metaphorically for investigating deeply into a complex or difficult issue.
Example: “She burrowed into the archives to find the original documents.”

17. Sift through

Appropriate for examining something thoroughly in order to find relevant information.
Example: “The researcher sifted through the data to find significant trends.”

18. Unearth

Refers to discovering something hidden, lost, or kept secret by investigation or searching.
Example: “The audit helped to unearth discrepancies in the financial accounts.”

19. Plunge into

Used for immersing oneself deeply and quickly into an activity or subject.
Example: “After the briefing, the team plunged into the project planning phase.”

20. Unpack

Appropriate for analyzing something complex by breaking it down into its constituent parts.
Example: “The professor asked the students to unpack the arguments in the case study.”

Linda Brown