What Is Another Way to Say “Chill Out”?

Looking for synonyms for chill out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say chill out.

  • Relax
  • Unwind
  • Cool down
  • Take it easy
  • Decompress
  • Loosen up
  • De-stress
  • Mellow out
  • Settle down
  • Calm down
  • Ease up
  • Kick back
  • Let loose
  • Simmer down
  • Hang loose
  • Wind down
  • Lighten up
  • Lay back
  • Veg out
  • Zone out

Want to learn how to say chill out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Relax

Relax is used to describe becoming less tense or anxious.

Example: “After the project completion, the team took a day off to relax.”

2. Unwind

Unwind suggests finding relief from stress or tension.

Example: “The manager encouraged her staff to unwind after a long week with a casual Friday.”

3. Cool Down

Cool down is often used to suggest calming down after a period of stress or anger.

Example: “The CEO took a moment to cool down before responding to the critical feedback.”

4. Take it Easy

Take it easy implies adopting a more relaxed and stress-free approach.

Example: “During the holiday season, the company advised employees to take it easy and enjoy time with their families.”

5. Decompress

Decompress means to release pressure or stress, often by relaxing.

Example: “After the intense negotiations, the team took some time to decompress.”

6. Loosen Up

Loosen up suggests becoming more relaxed and less formal or restrained.

Example: “The creative team was encouraged to loosen up to foster a more open brainstorming session.”

7. De-stress

De-stress refers to the act of relieving stress.

Example: “The company organized a wellness retreat for employees to de-stress.”

8. Mellow Out

Mellow out is a colloquial term for calming down or becoming less agitated.

Example: “The team leader suggested everyone mellow out before making any decisions.”

9. Settle Down

Settle down can imply calming down or becoming quieter and more composed.

Example: “The conference attendees settled down as the keynote speaker took the stage.”

10. Calm Down

Calm down means to become less excited, angry, or agitated.

Example: “The manager asked the team to calm down and approach the problem logically.”

11. Ease Up

Ease up suggests reducing intensity or pressure.

Example: “The department head asked the team to ease up on the overtime to prevent burnout.”

12. Kick Back

Kick back is a casual term for relaxing or taking it easy.

Example: “On Fridays, our office has a kick-back atmosphere to wind down the week.”

13. Let Loose

Let loose implies allowing oneself to relax or enjoy oneself freely.

Example: “The company’s annual party is a time for everyone to let loose and celebrate their hard work.”

14. Simmer Down

Simmer down means to become calmer or more controlled, especially after being angry or excited.

Example: “The heated discussion in the meeting eventually simmered down.”

15. Hang Loose

Hang loose is a colloquial expression for staying relaxed and not worrying.

Example: “The laid-back culture of the company encourages employees to hang loose and be creative.”

16. Wind Down

Wind down suggests gradually relaxing after a period of activity or stress.

Example: “The team began to wind down as the deadline was successfully met.”

17. Lighten Up

Lighten up means to become less serious and more cheerful.

Example: “The manager told the team to lighten up and enjoy the team-building activities.”

18. Lay Back

Lay back implies adopting a relaxed and easy-going attitude.

Example: “The new policy allows employees to lay back and work flexible hours.”

19. Veg Out

Veg out is a casual term for relaxing inactively, often in front of the television or doing nothing in particular.

Example: “After the product launch, the team deserved a weekend to veg out.”

20. Zone Out

Zone out means to become detached from one’s surroundings, often in a state of relaxation or daydreaming.

Example: “During the meditation session, it’s okay to zone out and clear your mind.”

Linda Brown