What Is Another Way to Say “By Contrast”?

Looking for synonyms for by contrast? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say by contrast.

  • Conversely
  • On the other hand
  • In contrast
  • However
  • Alternatively
  • In comparison
  • Contrarily
  • Instead
  • Differently
  • Whereas
  • Nonetheless
  • Yet
  • Oppositely
  • On the flip side
  • As opposed to

Want to learn how to say by contrast professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Conversely

Use “conversely” to introduce a statement or idea that is the opposite of one that has just been mentioned or considered.
Example: “The marketing department prefers a traditional approach; conversely, the sales team advocates for digital transformation.”

2. On the Other Hand

“On the other hand” is suitable for presenting an alternative or contrasting perspective in a discussion.
Example: “Our current software is cost-effective; on the other hand, investing in a more advanced system could increase productivity.”

3. In Contrast

“In contrast” is used to draw a direct comparison that shows stark differences between two things.
Example: “In contrast to the declining sales in Europe, our Asian markets are showing significant growth.”

4. However

“However” is appropriate for introducing a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.
Example: “The company has had a good year. However, it still faces challenges in employee retention.”

5. Alternatively

“Alternatively” is used when suggesting a different or opposing option or idea.
Example: “We could continue with our current supplier. Alternatively, we could explore new partnerships for better prices.”

6. In Comparison

“In comparison” is suitable for drawing a comparison that highlights differences or similarities.
Example: “In comparison with last quarter, our team’s productivity has significantly improved.”

7. Contrarily

“Contrarily” is used for introducing a statement or idea that contradicts the previous one.
Example: “The initial data suggested a positive trend; contrarily, the final analysis showed a different picture.”

8. Instead

“Instead” is appropriate for suggesting a substitute or replacement for something else that was considered or mentioned.
Example: “Instead of cutting the research budget, we should look at optimizing our current resources.”

9. Differently

“Differently” is used to indicate a different method, approach, or result.
Example: “Differently from our competitors, our company emphasizes eco-friendly practices in all operations.”

10. Whereas

“Whereas” is suitable for contrasting two facts or statements, often used in formal or written contexts.
Example: “Whereas the sales team exceeded their targets, the marketing team struggled to meet theirs.”

11. Nonetheless

“Nonetheless” is used to introduce a contrasting idea that does not diminish the validity of the previous statement.
Example: “The project was challenging; nonetheless, the team managed to deliver it on time.”

12. Yet

“Yet” is appropriate for introducing a contrasting idea that follows logically from the previous one.
Example: “The company is relatively new in the market, yet it has gained considerable market share.”

13. Oppositely

“Oppositely” is used to introduce an idea or fact that is completely different from the one previously mentioned.
Example: “Oppositely to the declining interest in our main product, our new line has seen increasing popularity.”

14. On the Flip Side

“On the flip side” is a more informal way of introducing a contrasting perspective or condition.
Example: “The new policy will increase production costs; on the flip side, it will improve product quality.”

15. As Opposed To

“As opposed to” is suitable for directly comparing two distinct ideas or items, highlighting their differences.
Example: “We focus on long-term customer relationships, as opposed to short-term sales.”

Linda Brown