Looking for synonyms for butt heads? We’ve got you covered!
Here’s a list of other ways to say butt heads.
- Clash
- Conflict
- Lock horns
- Disagree
- Argue
- Spar
- Quarrel
- Bicker
- Contend
- Dispute
- Wrangle
- Grapple
- Feud
- Tussle
- Cross swords
- Squabble
- Jostle
- Confront
- Differ
- Oppose
Want to learn how to say butt heads professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.
1. Clash
Appropriate Use: Suitable for a strong disagreement or a serious conflict.
Example: “The board members clashed over the new strategic direction for the company.”
2. Conflict
Appropriate Use: Ideal for a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
Example: “There was a conflict between the marketing and sales departments regarding the budget.”
3. Lock Horns
Appropriate Use: Best for engaging in a stubborn fight or dispute.
Example: “The two managers locked horns over the allocation of resources.”
4. Disagree
Appropriate Use: Suitable for having a different opinion or not consenting.
Example: “The committee members disagreed on the proposed policy changes.”
5. Argue
Appropriate Use: Ideal for exchanging or expressing diverging or opposite views, often heatedly.
Example: “The partners argued about the best approach to enter the new market.”
6. Spar
Appropriate Use: Best for arguing or fighting.
Example: “During the meeting, the co-founders sparred over future product development.”
7. Quarrel
Appropriate Use: Suitable for an angry argument or disagreement.
Example: “The team members had a quarrel regarding the project’s deadline.”
8. Bicker
Appropriate Use: Ideal for arguing about petty and trivial matters.
Example: “The staff bickered over the scheduling of the conference room.”
9. Contend
Appropriate Use: Best for struggling to surmount a difficulty or danger.
Example: “The two departments contended for control over the project.”
10. Dispute
Appropriate Use: Suitable for a disagreement or argument.
Example: “There was a dispute among the shareholders about the dividend policy.”
11. Wrangle
Appropriate Use: Ideal for a long, complicated dispute or argument.
Example: “The legal teams wrangled over the terms of the contract for weeks.”
12. Grapple
Appropriate Use: Best for engaging in a close fight or struggle without weapons.
Example: “The team had to grapple with the challenges of remote collaboration.”
13. Feud
Appropriate Use: Suitable for a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute.
Example: “The feud between the two leading employees disrupted the workplace environment.”
14. Tussle
Appropriate Use: Ideal for a vigorous struggle or scuffle.
Example: “There was a tussle in the meeting over the allocation of funds to the departments.”
15. Cross Swords
Appropriate Use: Best for having a heated argument or disagreement.
Example: “The executives crossed swords during the board meeting on the new policy.”
16. Squabble
Appropriate Use: Suitable for a noisy quarrel about something petty or trivial.
Example: “The team squabbled over the design details of the website.”
17. Jostle
Appropriate Use: Ideal for competing or struggling for an advantage or position.
Example: “Different stakeholders jostled for influence in the decision-making process.”
18. Confront
Appropriate Use: Best for facing up to and dealing with a problem or difficulty.
Example: “The manager had to confront the employees about their performance issues.”
19. Differ
Appropriate Use: Suitable for holding or expressing opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed.
Example: “The experts differed in their opinions on the projected market trends.”
20. Oppose
Appropriate Use: Ideal for disapproving of and attempting to prevent, especially by argument.
Example: “Several members opposed the new policy during the discussion.”