What Is Another Way to Say “Brought Out”?

Looking for synonyms for brought out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say brought out.

  • Revealed
  • Unveiled
  • Disclosed
  • Uncovered
  • Exposed
  • Showcased
  • Presented
  • Highlighted
  • Introduced
  • Launched

Want to learn how to say brought out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Revealed

“Revealed” is used when something is made known or visible, often for the first time.

  • Example: The CEO revealed the company’s new strategy at the annual meeting.

2. Unveiled

“Unveiled” typically refers to the formal presentation or disclosure of something new.

  • Example: The latest model of the electric car was unveiled at the technology expo.

3. Disclosed

“Disclosed” is used when confidential or private information is made public.

  • Example: The terms of the merger were disclosed to the shareholders.

4. Uncovered

“Uncovered” implies discovering or revealing something that was hidden or unknown.

  • Example: The investigation uncovered evidence of regulatory non-compliance.

5. Exposed

“Exposed” often connotes revealing something scandalous or previously concealed.

  • Example: The report exposed significant flaws in the company’s safety protocols.

6. Showcased

“Showcased” refers to presenting something in a way that highlights its merits or qualities.

  • Example: The conference showcased the latest advancements in artificial intelligence.

7. Presented

“Presented” is a general term for showing or introducing something or someone.

  • Example: The research findings were presented at the international symposium.

8. Highlighted

“Highlighted” involves drawing attention to or emphasizing particular details or information.

  • Example: The presentation highlighted the success of the recent marketing campaign.

9. Introduced

“Introduced” refers to bringing something into use, notice, or knowledge for the first time.

  • Example: The company introduced a new cloud-based storage solution.

10. Launched

“Launched” is often used in the context of initiating a significant project, product, or campaign.

  • Example: The startup launched its innovative app to a receptive market.

Linda Brown