What Is Another Way to Say “Bound to Happen”?

Looking for synonyms for bound to happen? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say bound to happen.

  • Inevitable
  • Certain
  • Unavoidable
  • Guaranteed
  • Destined
  • Sure to occur
  • Predestined
  • Fated
  • Inexorable
  • Foreordained
  • Imminent
  • Unescapable
  • Inescapable
  • Predetermined
  • Unpreventable
  • Consigned
  • Doomed
  • Ineluctable
  • Unalterable
  • Irrevocable

Want to learn how to say bound to happen professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Inevitable

Used when something is certain to happen and cannot be prevented.
Example: “Given the market trends, a merger seems inevitable to maintain competitiveness.”

2. Certain

Appropriate for situations where something is sure to happen.
Example: “It’s certain that technology will continue to play a major role in business evolution.”

3. Unavoidable

Used when something cannot be avoided or evaded.
Example: “The regulatory changes are unavoidable and will impact the entire industry.”

4. Guaranteed

Ideal for situations where an outcome is assured or promised.
Example: “Success in this project is not guaranteed, but with hard work, it’s highly probable.”

5. Destined

Suitable for something that seems fated or predetermined to happen.
Example: “This breakthrough innovation is destined to change the way we approach healthcare.”

6. Sure to occur

Used for situations where an event is highly likely to happen.
Example: “Expansion into new markets is sure to occur within the next fiscal year.”

7. Predestined

Appropriate for events or outcomes that seem determined in advance.
Example: “The company’s unique approach to sustainability was predestined to attract attention.”

8. Fated

Used when an outcome or event seems destined or predetermined by fate.
Example: “It seemed fated that the two industry leaders would eventually collaborate.”

9. Inexorable

Suitable for processes or events that are unalterable and relentless.
Example: “The inexorable advance of technology is reshaping our industry.”

10. Foreordained

Used for events that appear to have been decided or determined in advance.
Example: “Their market leadership was almost foreordained due to their innovative approach.”

11. Imminent

Ideal for something about to happen very soon.
Example: “The launch of the new product line is imminent.”

12. Unescapable

Suitable for situations that cannot be avoided or escaped.
Example: “The unescapable truth is that digital transformation is now a necessity for businesses.”

13. Inescapable

Used when a situation or outcome cannot be avoided or ignored.
Example: “Cost reduction is an inescapable requirement in the current economic climate.”

14. Predetermined

Appropriate for outcomes or events that seem to have been decided in advance.
Example: “The company’s growth trajectory seems to follow a predetermined path.”

15. Unpreventable

Used when something cannot be stopped or prevented from happening.
Example: “Some level of risk is unpreventable in any business venture.”

16. Consigned

Ideal for situations where something is inevitably assigned to a certain fate or outcome.
Example: “The outdated technology was consigned to obsolescence.”

17. Doomed

Used for situations where failure or negative outcomes seem inevitable.
Example: “Without innovation, the traditional methods are doomed in the face of modern challenges.”

18. Ineluctable

Suitable for describing something that is impossible to avoid or resist.
Example: “The ineluctable impact of globalization is evident in every sector of the economy.”

19. Unalterable

Used for situations or outcomes that cannot be changed or modified.
Example: “The decision of the board is unalterable at this stage.”

20. Irrevocable

Appropriate for actions or decisions that cannot be reversed or undone.
Example: “Once the merger is finalized, it will be an irrevocable step for the company.”

Linda Brown