What Is Another Way to Say “Body Language”?

Looking for synonyms for body language? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say body language.

  • Nonverbal communication
  • Gestures
  • Physical cues
  • Nonverbal cues
  • Body signals
  • Facial expressions
  • Kinesics
  • Postural signals
  • Visual signals
  • Silent language

Want to learn how to say body language professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is appropriate to use in a professional setting when referring to all forms of communication that do not involve words. It encompasses a wide range of behaviors including facial expressions, gestures, and posture.
Example: “During the interview, her nonverbal communication indicated confidence and preparedness.”

2. Gestures

Gestures are specific movements, typically of the hands and arms, that convey meaning or intent. They are appropriate to use when discussing specific actions that people use to communicate or emphasize a point.
Example: “He used a gesture of circling his hand to indicate that we should start the process from the beginning.”

3. Physical Cues

Physical cues refer to the subtle physical signs or signals that communicate feelings, reactions, or intentions. They are appropriate when analyzing or discussing how physical reactions can indicate someone’s true feelings or responses.
Example: “Her rapid nodding was one of the physical cues that she agreed with the proposal.”

4. Nonverbal Cues

Nonverbal cues encompass a broad spectrum of nonverbal communication, including body language, facial expressions, and other forms of expressing without words. They are particularly relevant in discussions about understanding unspoken feelings or attitudes.
Example: “The team leader picked up on the nonverbal cues of his team, realizing some members were not in agreement.”

5. Body Signals

Body signals are specific indications given through body posture or movements that convey messages or emotions. They are most appropriately discussed in contexts where body language plays a critical role in communication.
Example: “Her crossed arms were body signals that she might be feeling defensive or closed off.”

6. Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are movements of the facial muscles that convey emotions or reactions. These are crucial in professional settings for understanding colleagues’ or clients’ responses to information or situations.
Example: “His facial expressions during the presentation made it clear he was surprised by the findings.”

7. Kinesics

Kinesics is the study of body motions as a systematic mode of communication. It’s an appropriate term when discussing body language in a more academic or detailed analysis context.
Example: “The manager’s study on kinesics helped improve her understanding of team dynamics.”

8. Postural Signals

Postural signals refer to the messages conveyed through one’s stance or posture. They are particularly relevant in discussions on how authority, openness, or defensiveness is communicated through posture.
Example: “His upright posture signaled confidence during the negotiation.”

9. Visual Signals

Visual signals include any form of nonverbal communication that can be seen, such as body language, gestures, and facial expressions. They are appropriate in contexts where visual observation is key to interpreting communication.
Example: “The visual signals from the audience indicated that the presentation was well-received.”

10. Silent Language

Silent language refers to all forms of nonverbal communication that convey meaning without the use of spoken words. It’s useful in contexts emphasizing the importance of unspoken elements of communication.
Example: “Her silent language during the meeting conveyed her disagreement without her saying a word.”

Linda Brown