What Is Another Way to Say “Be Used”?

Looking for synonyms for be used? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say be used.

  • Be utilized
  • Be employed
  • Be applied
  • Be put to use
  • Be harnessed
  • Be exploited
  • Be operated
  • Be deployed
  • Be exercised
  • Be made use of
  • Be drawn upon
  • Be implemented
  • Be adopted
  • Be put into action
  • Be put into practice
  • Be put into operation
  • Be put to work
  • Be availed of
  • Be executed
  • Be enacted

Want to learn how to say be used professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Be Utilized

This term is suitable for emphasizing the functional or practical use of something.
Example: “The new software will be utilized to improve data processing efficiency in our department.”

2. Be Employed

Appropriate for situations where a method or tool is strategically used for a specific purpose.
Example: “Advanced algorithms are employed to analyze market trends in the financial sector.”

3. Be Applied

Used when referring to the practical implementation of ideas, techniques, or knowledge.
Example: “The principles of lean management will be applied to streamline our production processes.”

4. Be Put to Use

Suitable for emphasizing the action of starting to use something for a purpose.
Example: “The recently acquired equipment will be put to use in the next phase of our construction project.”

5. Be Harnessed

Ideal for contexts where resources or capabilities are being effectively utilized.
Example: “Renewable energy sources will be harnessed to reduce our carbon footprint.”

6. Be Exploited

Appropriate for situations where resources or skills are used to their full potential, often in a strategic manner.
Example: “The company’s extensive research capabilities will be exploited to develop innovative products.”

7. Be Operated

Used in contexts involving machinery, systems, or processes.
Example: “The new software system will be operated by our IT team to ensure smooth integration.”

8. Be Deployed

Ideal for scenarios where resources, strategies, or personnel are being actively distributed or utilized in a tactical manner.
Example: “The latest security protocols will be deployed to safeguard our digital assets.”

9. Be Exercised

Suitable in contexts where skills, rights, or powers are being used or put into effect.
Example: “Due diligence will be exercised in the evaluation of all potential investments.”

10. Be Made Use Of

Appropriate for emphasizing the action of using something available.
Example: “All available data will be made use of in compiling the comprehensive report.”

11. Be Drawn Upon

Used when referring to the action of using resources or information that is available.
Example: “Expertise from various departments will be drawn upon to complete this interdisciplinary project.”

12. Be Implemented

Ideal for contexts involving the execution of plans, policies, or strategies.
Example: “A new customer relationship management strategy will be implemented to enhance client satisfaction.”

13. Be Adopted

Suitable for situations where methods, policies, or technologies are being started or embraced.
Example: “Innovative manufacturing techniques will be adopted to increase efficiency.”

14. Be Put into Action

Appropriate for emphasizing the initiation of actions or plans.
Example: “Our emergency response plan will be put into action in case of any unforeseen incidents.”

15. Be Put into Practice

Used when ideas, theories, or methods are being executed or realized.
Example: “Theoretical knowledge from the training sessions will be put into practice during the project phase.”

16. Be Put into Operation

Ideal for contexts where systems, processes, or plans are being initiated or activated.
Example: “The new logistics system will be put into operation next quarter to improve distribution efficiency.”

17. Be Put to Work

Suitable for emphasizing the utilization of resources or personnel for a specific task or purpose.
Example: “Our team’s specialized skills will be put to work in developing the new software platform.”

18. Be Availed Of

Used in contexts where an opportunity or resource is being taken advantage of.
Example: “The grant funding opportunity will be availed of to support our research initiatives.”

19. Be Executed

Appropriate for situations involving the carrying out or implementation of plans or tasks.
Example: “The marketing strategy will be executed according to the planned schedule.”

20. Be Enacted

Ideal for legal, policy, or procedural contexts, emphasizing the formal implementation.
Example: “New regulations will be enacted to ensure compliance in the financial sector.”

Linda Brown