What Is Another Way to Say “Be Like”?

Looking for synonyms for be like? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say be like.

  • Resemble
  • Mirror
  • Echo
  • Parallel
  • Emulate
  • Imitate
  • Reflect
  • Simulate
  • Replicate
  • Appear like

Want to learn how to say be like professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Resemble

Suitable for describing a general likeness or similarity in appearance or character.

  • Example: “The new model is designed to closely resemble its classic predecessor.”

2. Mirror

Used when one thing very closely reflects or represents another, often in behavior or characteristics.

  • Example: “The company’s inclusive policies mirror the diversity of its community.”

3. Echo

Appropriate for situations where one thing recalls or resembles another, but not as a direct copy.

  • Example: “The architect’s design echoes the traditional structures of the region.”

4. Parallel

Used to describe situations, actions, or features that are similar and run alongside each other in comparison.

  • Example: “Her career path closely parallels that of her mentor.”

5. Emulate

Ideal for situations where someone is trying to match or surpass a model or standard.

  • Example: “Emerging tech startups seek to emulate the success of industry giants.”

6. Imitate

Used when someone or something is copying or mimicking another as closely as possible.

  • Example: “The robot was programmed to imitate human movements.”

7. Reflect

Appropriate for instances where one thing demonstrates or represents the characteristics or values of another.

  • Example: “The company’s ethical stance reflects its commitment to sustainability.”

8. Simulate

Used when something is made to resemble or replicate another thing, often through artificial means.

  • Example: “The training program is designed to simulate real-world emergency situations.”

9. Replicate

Ideal for cases where an exact copy or reproduction of something is made.

  • Example: “Scientists managed to replicate the experimental results in subsequent tests.”

10. Appear like

Suitable for a more casual or less precise comparison of similarities.

  • Example: “The symptoms appear like those of a common cold, but further tests are needed.”

Linda Brown