What Is Another Way to Say “Bad Reputation”?

Looking for synonyms for bad reputation? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say bad reputation.

  • Infamy
  • Notoriety
  • Disrepute
  • Ill repute
  • Dishonor
  • Stigma
  • Disfavor
  • Disgrace
  • Shame
  • Tarnished image
  • Ill fame
  • Unfavorable reputation
  • Scandal
  • Sullied reputation
  • Negative image
  • Loss of respect
  • Black mark
  • Blot on the record
  • Blemish
  • Bad name
  • Poor standing
  • Defamation
  • Derogation
  • Degradation
  • Disesteem

Want to learn how to say bad reputation professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Infamy

Appropriate Use: Famous for something undesirable.
Example: “The company gained infamy for its unethical business practices.”

2. Notoriety

Appropriate Use: Known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous.
Example: “The CEO’s notoriety grew after the financial scandal was exposed.”

3. Disrepute

Appropriate Use: The state of being held in low esteem by the public.
Example: “The brand fell into disrepute after failing to address customer complaints.”

4. Ill repute

Appropriate Use: Having a bad reputation.
Example: “The firm’s involvement in dubious deals brought it ill repute.”

5. Dishonor

Appropriate Use: Loss of reputation or respect.
Example: “The executive faced dishonor after violating the company’s ethics code.”

6. Stigma

Appropriate Use: A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.
Example: “There’s a stigma attached to companies that don’t prioritize sustainability.”

7. Disfavor

Appropriate Use: Disapproval or dislike.
Example: “The company’s policy on employee rights has led to widespread disfavor.”

8. Disgrace

Appropriate Use: Loss of reputation or respect as the result of a dishonorable action.
Example: “The scandal brought disgrace to everyone involved.”

9. Shame

Appropriate Use: A painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.
Example: “The product recall brought shame to the brand, previously known for quality.”

10. Tarnished image

Appropriate Use: Damaged reputation.
Example: “The lawsuit left the corporation with a tarnished image.”

11. Ill fame

Appropriate Use: A bad reputation.
Example: “His ill fame in the industry made collaboration with other firms difficult.”

12. Unfavorable reputation

Appropriate Use: Known in a negative light.
Example: “The company’s unfavorable reputation has affected its recruitment efforts.”

13. Scandal

Appropriate Use: An action or event that causes public outrage or censure.
Example: “The accounting scandal severely damaged the firm’s credibility.”

14. Sullied reputation

Appropriate Use: A reputation that has been damaged or spoiled.
Example: “The data breach sullied the company’s reputation for protecting user privacy.”

15. Negative image

Appropriate Use: An adverse public perception.
Example: “The negative image of the company has impacted its stock prices.”

16. Loss of respect

Appropriate Use: No longer held in esteem or honor.
Example: “Their failure to address the issue led to a loss of respect among their clients.”

17. Black mark

Appropriate Use: A record of something bad or discreditable.
Example: “The incident left a black mark on the executive’s otherwise impeccable record.”

18. Blot on the record

Appropriate Use: A notable blemish in one’s history or record.
Example: “The failed project was a blot on the record of an otherwise successful department.”

19. Blemish

Appropriate Use: A defect that spoils the appearance or completeness of something.
Example: “This financial irregularity is a blemish on the company’s annual report.”

20. Bad name

Appropriate Use: A reputation for bad quality, dishonesty, or other negative qualities.
Example: “The contractor got a bad name after consistently missing project deadlines.”

21. Poor standing

Appropriate Use: A position of low regard within a community or society.
Example: “The organization’s poor standing in the industry has made it difficult to attract partners.”

22. Defamation

Appropriate Use: The action of damaging the good reputation of someone.
Example: “The CEO sued for defamation after false accusations were made against him.”

23. Derogation

Appropriate Use: A state of being disparaged or belittled.
Example: “The derogation of the brand followed a series of failed product launches.”

24. Degradation

Appropriate Use: The process of declining to a lower status.
Example: “The degradation of the company’s market position was rapid after the scandal.”

25. Disesteem

Appropriate Use: Lack of respect or high regard.
Example: “The company’s disesteem was evident in the decreasing loyalty of its customers.”

Linda Brown