What Is Another Way to Say “Background Information”?

Looking for synonyms for background information? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say background information.

  • Context
  • Backstory
  • Historical data
  • Foundation
  • Basis
  • Framework
  • Setting
  • Scene-setting
  • Precedent
  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Preliminary information
  • Exposition
  • Groundwork
  • History

Want to learn how to say background information professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Context

When to use: Suitable for providing information that gives a better understanding of a situation or facts.
Example: “The report included the economic context to help understand the market trends.”

2. Backstory

When to use: Appropriate for giving a history or background that leads up to the current situation or story.
Example: “The CEO shared his backstory to illustrate his journey to the top of the corporate ladder.”

3. Historical Data

When to use: Ideal for providing data or records from the past that relate to the current topic or situation.
Example: “The presentation included historical data on the company’s growth over the past decade.”

4. Foundation

When to use: Used for information that forms the basis or groundwork for understanding a topic or issue.
Example: “A strong foundation in the basics of finance is essential for new employees in the department.”

5. Basis

When to use: Suitable for the fundamental information or principles on which something is based.
Example: “The strategy was developed on the basis of market research and analysis.”

6. Framework

When to use: Appropriate for a basic structure underlying or supporting a system, concept, or text.
Example: “The legal framework of the agreement was thoroughly discussed in the initial meeting.”

7. Setting

When to use: Ideal for describing the time, place, and circumstances in which a situation occurs.
Example: “Understanding the cultural setting of the region is crucial for successful market entry.”

8. Scene-setting

When to use: Used for creating a background or setting the stage for a story or event.
Example: “The speaker began with some scene-setting to give the audience a sense of the era.”

9. Precedent

When to use: Suitable for information about previous cases or events that are similar to the one under discussion.
Example: “The lawyer referred to precedent cases to support her argument.”

10. Introduction

When to use: Appropriate for providing initial information that gives an overview or prepares the audience.
Example: “The report’s introduction gives a clear overview of the topics covered.”

11. Overview

When to use: Ideal for a general summary or outline of a subject or area.
Example: “The overview of the project plan was presented in the first team meeting.”

12. Preliminary Information

When to use: Suitable for initial or preparatory information that gives a basic understanding.
Example: “Preliminary information about the market conditions was provided in the briefing.”

13. Exposition

When to use: Appropriate for a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.
Example: “The document provides a detailed exposition of the underlying principles of the proposed policy.”

14. Groundwork

When to use: Used for basic work or preparation that is done as a foundation for future work.
Example: “The early sessions laid the groundwork for the complex negotiations that followed.”

15. History

When to use: Suitable for a record or account of past events pertaining to a particular subject or place.
Example: “The company’s history was detailed in the introductory chapter of the corporate biography.”

Linda Brown