What Is Another Way to Say “At Odds With”?

Looking for synonyms for at odds with? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say at odds with.

  • In conflict with
  • Contrary to
  • At variance with
  • Inconsistent with
  • In opposition to
  • Clashing with
  • In contradiction to
  • Diametrically opposed to
  • At loggerheads with
  • Antagonistic to
  • Incongruent with
  • Counter to
  • Disagreeing with
  • In dispute with
  • Against
  • Not in accord with
  • Opposing
  • Inconsonant with
  • In discord with
  • Not in harmony with

Want to learn how to say at odds with professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. In Conflict With

When to Use: Suitable for situations involving a serious disagreement or clash.
Example: “The proposed strategy is in conflict with the company’s long-term goals.”

2. Contrary to

When to Use: Appropriate for something that is opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.
Example: “His approach is contrary to the principles we’ve established in our team.”

3. At Variance With

When to Use: Best used when there is a difference or discrepancy.
Example: “The new policy is at variance with our established practices.”

4. Inconsistent With

When to Use: Suitable for situations where things do not align or match up.
Example: “This decision is inconsistent with our mission statement.”

5. In Opposition to

When to Use: Appropriate for expressing resistance or dissent.
Example: “The recent changes in the project are in opposition to the initial agreement.”

6. Clashing With

When to Use: Best used for describing a conflict or contradiction.
Example: “The marketing campaign is clashing with the brand’s image.”

7. In Contradiction to

When to Use: Suitable for situations where something is in direct conflict with another.
Example: “These findings are in contradiction to the previous research.”

8. Diametrically Opposed to

When to Use: Appropriate for completely different or opposite.
Example: “Their business model is diametrically opposed to our approach.”

9. At Loggerheads With

When to Use: Best used when there is a serious disagreement.
Example: “The two departments are at loggerheads with each other regarding the budget allocation.”

10. Antagonistic to

When to Use: Suitable for showing active hostility or opposition.
Example: “Their stance is antagonistic to the principles of fair trade.”

11. Incongruent With

When to Use: Appropriate for things that do not agree or align together.
Example: “This approach is incongruent with the company’s values.”

12. Counter to

When to Use: Best used for something that goes against or is opposite.
Example: “These actions are counter to our commitment to customer satisfaction.”

13. Disagreeing With

When to Use: Suitable for a difference of opinion.
Example: “I find myself disagreeing with the conclusions of the report.”

14. In Dispute With

When to Use: Appropriate for a disagreement or argument.
Example: “The team is in dispute with the management over the proposed changes.”

15. Against

When to Use: Best used for opposing or being adverse to something.
Example: “The union is against the new working hours proposed by the management.”

16. Not in Accord With

When to Use: Suitable for not agreeing or being consistent with.
Example: “Their decision was not in accord with the feedback received from the employees.”

17. Opposing

When to Use: Appropriate for being in conflict or competition.
Example: “Their marketing strategies are opposing our established market position.”

18. Inconsonant With

When to Use: Best used for not being in agreement or harmony.
Example: “The new regulations are inconsonant with the industry’s standards.”

19. In Discord With

When to Use: Suitable for being at odds or in disagreement.
Example: “The recent directive is in discord with the team’s methodology.”

20. Not in Harmony With

When to Use: Appropriate for lacking agreement or congruity.
Example: “Their vision for the project is not in harmony with the client’s expectations.”

Linda Brown