What Is Another Way to Say “Thanks for the Heads-Up”?

So, someone has just given you advance notice about something coming up in the workplace.

You want to say thanks for the heads-up, but you’re worried it sounds generic or ungrateful.

Well, you’re in the right place!

This article will explore a professional way to say thanks for the heads-up.

7 Alternative Ways to Say “Thanks for the Heads-Up”

Feel free to review these 7 alternatives to see which one you like best:

  • Thank you for the information
  • I appreciate the heads-up
  • Thanks for keeping me in the know
  • Thank you for the warning
  • Thanks for the advance notice
  • Thank you for keeping me informed
  • I’m glad you could keep me involved

1. Thank You for the Information

When someone warns you that something is coming, it’s polite to thank them for the information.

Therefore, thank you for the information is a great way to replace thanks for the heads-up.

It’s much more well-rounded in formal emails. Thank you for the information can apply to all kinds of contexts. It doesn’t just have to relate to warnings.

However, in this case, we think it makes the most sense to use it when someone updates you professionally.

Check out this example if you’d still like to learn more about it:

Dear Stephen,

Thank you for the information. Please don’t hesitate to reach out again if you think of anything useful to mention.

Maria Tidely

2. I Appreciate the Heads-Up

It’s common to switch thank you with I appreciate in formal emails.

Therefore, I appreciate the heads-up is a great phrase to use when someone has warned you of some changes.

Try using it when contacting a colleague. It shows that you’re glad they came to you with a change that you might not have heard about already.

We also recommend reviewing this example:

Dear Sam,

I appreciate the heads-up. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard something like this, though.

All the best,
Jon Carpenter

3. Thanks for Keeping Me in the Know

You can also use thanks for keeping me in the know as a formal way of saying thanks for the heads-up.

It’s great because it shows you’re happy to receive updates when someone shares them with you.

It also shows you trust the source of information.

Use it when emailing a client. It shows you trust what they’re telling you, and you’re glad to share information with them in return.

Here’s a great example to also show you more about how it works:

Dear Mr. Burg,

Thanks for keeping me in the know. I’m happy to have someone like you in my corner right now.

Billy Eilish

4. Thank You for the Warning

You can simplify things with thank you for the warning. It’s another way to say thanks for the heads-up that implies you’re happy to receive any updates.

You should use it when emailing a coworker. It shows you appreciate what they’ve shared with you, and you’ll try to find a way to make the most of the information.

Generally, this could relate to things that a coworker finds out before you.

That way, they can bring you the information to show you that you’re on the same team.

Also, you should check out the following email example:

Dear Stuart,

Thank you for the warning. I’ll be sure to act on it accordingly and let you know what I work out.

All the best,
Suzanna Brian

5. Thanks for the Advance Notice

We recommend trying thanks for the advance notice when someone gives you ample warning about a change coming up.

It’s respectful and formal, making it a key contender when filling in a business email.

Generally, this works best when thanking your boss for news. It’s a great way to show that you genuinely appreciate what they’ve shared with you.

Here’s a great sample email to show you more about how it works if you still need help:

Dear Mr. Capaldi,

Thanks for the advance notice. Please keep me informed if anything else changes that might affect me.

William Bradley

6. Thank You for Keeping Me Informed

You can also use thank you for keeping me informed as another way to say thanks for the heads-up.

This works well when a coworker keeps you in the loop. It shows that you hadn’t already heard the information they shared with you.

Try using it to sound respectful and grateful. These traits are great to demonstrate in an email when you’re genuinely happy to hear from someone and receive positive updates.

Also, feel free to review this example:

Dear Bethany,

Thank you for keeping me informed. This change is quite surprising, but I’m glad to hear it before others.

Tom Brice

7. I’m Glad You Could Keep Me Involved

Finally, you can include I’m glad you could keep me involved instead of thanks for the heads-up.

It’s a professional phrase that shows you’re happy that someone kept you updated with information.

Use it when emailing a new client. It works well because it shows that you’re willing to hear them out and see what information they have to share with you.

Generally, a client will appreciate this reply. It lets them know that you value their information and are glad to hear more if anything else comes up.

You can also review this example:

Dear Miss Daniels,

I’m glad you could keep me involved. I wasn’t sure if you thought I was the best fit for this.

All the best,
Markus Danger

Is It Correct to Say “Thanks for the Heads-Up”?

Thanks for the heads-up is correct in informal contexts.

It shows you appreciate someone giving you a warning in the workplace. Generally, this is a great way to express your gratitude and let people know how thankful you are.

It doesn’t work professionally because it uses heads-up. The compound word sounds a bit too friendly and informal, meaning it’s not the best one to include in business emails.

Here is a great email sample to show you how to use thanks for the heads-up in a sentence:

Dear Holly,

Thanks for the heads-up regarding this change. I’ll be sure to remember it in the next meeting.

Best wishes,
Sean Woodley

You may also mix things up slightly by using thank you instead of thanks. This typically helps you to sound more formal and sincere when thanking the recipient.

For instance:

Dear Daniella,

Thank you for the heads-up. I knew I could count on you to come to me with information like this.

My best,
Sara Roller

It’s always good practice to avoid making simple mistakes in formal emails. Therefore, you should know how to use heads-up correctly in a sentence.

Don’t make this mistake:

Mistake: Using heads up without a hyphen

  • Incorrect: Thanks for the heads up.
  • Correct: Thanks for the heads-up.

You should include the hyphen whenever you want to share your appreciation for someone keeping you in the loop. It’s a compound word and should be treated as such!

George O'Connor