What Is Another Way to Say “Poor Taste”?

Looking for synonyms for poor taste? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say poor taste.

  • Tacky
  • In bad taste
  • Unrefined
  • Vulgar
  • Tactless
  • Gauche
  • Crass
  • Tasteless
  • Kitschy
  • Indelicate
  • Inelegant
  • Unsophisticated
  • Lowbrow
  • Coarse
  • Uncouth

Want to learn how to say poor taste professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Tacky

When to use: Suitable for describing something that is in poor taste due to being flashy, gaudy, or lacking in style.
Example: “The overly bright and clashing colors of the advertisement were considered tacky by the design team.”

2. In Bad Taste

When to use: Appropriate for describing actions, remarks, or styles that are considered offensive or inappropriate.
Example: “The joke he made during the presentation was in bad taste and not well received by the audience.”

3. Unrefined

When to use: Used for something that lacks sophistication or subtlety in taste.
Example: “The marketing materials were criticized for their unrefined appearance, lacking professional polish.”

4. Vulgar

When to use: Suitable for something that is crude, tasteless, or lacking in good manners.
Example: “The billboard’s vulgar slogan sparked controversy among the community.”

5. Tactless

When to use: Appropriate for behavior or comments that are insensitive or lacking in consideration for others.
Example: “His tactless remarks about the client’s preferences put the business deal at risk.”

6. Gauche

When to use: Used for actions or styles that are awkward, lacking in social grace, or unsophisticated.
Example: “The gauche design of the flyer did not align with the brand’s upscale image.”

7. Crass

When to use: Suitable for describing something grossly insensitive, crude, or lacking in refinement.
Example: “The advertising campaign was criticized for its crass approach to a sensitive subject.”

8. Tasteless

When to use: Appropriate for something that lacks aesthetic or social taste.
Example: “The tasteless choice of images in the report diminished its professional impact.”

9. Kitschy

When to use: Used for art, objects, or design considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality.
Example: “The kitschy office decor did not convey the professional atmosphere the company was aiming for.”

10. Indelicate

When to use: Suitable for something that is not carefully or subtly handled; often applies to matters requiring sensitivity.
Example: “The marketing team’s indelicate handling of the cultural theme led to public backlash.”

11. Inelegant

When to use: Appropriate for something lacking in elegance or grace, either in style or manner.
Example: “The inelegant wording of the document made it difficult to read and understand.”

12. Unsophisticated

When to use: Used to describe something simple, uncomplicated, and lacking refinement or complexity.
Example: “The unsophisticated branding strategy did not appeal to the company’s high-end clientele.”

13. Lowbrow

When to use: Suitable for something not highly intellectual or cultured.
Example: “The lowbrow humor in the company’s ad campaign was seen as off-brand and inappropriate.”

14. Coarse

When to use: Appropriate for something lacking in delicacy, refinement, or sophistication.
Example: “The coarse language used in the internal memo was deemed unprofessional.”

15. Uncouth

When to use: Used for describing behavior, appearance, or language that is crude, unrefined, or offensive.
Example: “His uncouth manner during the negotiation reflected poorly on the company.”

Linda Brown